Natural Remedies for Knee Pain: The Ultimate Guide to Relief
Many of us don’t give it a second thought about moving our legs over the side of the bed and standing up, however, for others who are suffering from joint pain and forms of arthritis and other conditions, their freedom of movement is limited. This can cause knee pain and a myriad of other issues that prevent them from easily getting out of bed or standing up.
It is a very painful condition and as the condition worsens, the cartilage that is between the bones will begin to wear and cause friction. This friction in turn causes pain and thus an endless cycle is begun.
So how then does one deal with such debilitating conditions? There are many ways that a doctor can help but not everyone wants to be on prescription medication due to the myriad of side effects. Still others simply can’t afford such medications or the insurance co payments to see the doctor.
Take heart, there are many all-natural remedies for knee pain and many of them are already in your home in the form of kitchen or bathroom supplies. That’s right, you may already have what you need right at your fingertips.
These all natural remedies will vary in strength. You can mix and match them and design your own treatment for knee pain without the cost of a pharmaceutical prescription or doctor’s visit.
Next time you’re suffering from knee pain try one of these and see how it works. Again, feel free to mix and match them to create your own ideal remedy.
Define Your Pain
To start with, identify the exact location of your pain. Is it in the bony structure of your knee? Or is it I the joint? Is it your knee cap or the ligaments? Perhaps it’s actually in the cartilage of your knee. Knee pain can be rather elusive when it comes to determining if it’s the knee itself or if it’s another area.
To further complicate matters, it may be mild or it may be an excruciating pain. Are your knees stiff? Are they swollen? Are they red and does it hurt to walk or stand?
If you can try to pin point what is going on, some of these remedies may be more helpful than others. Some work better for joints than for swelling and vice versa.
If you can’t pinpoint the location and what is going on you can still greatly benefit from these remedies, but you may have to try a few before you get to the right one for your specific needs.
Regardless of the cause, don’t let that painful knee keep you from enjoying the things you love in life. These remedies work best on mild to moderate pain but everyone is different and what works well for one person may not work well at all for another.
If it’s at all possible it is recommended that you visit your doctor for an exact diagnoses, meanwhile, you may find great relief from one or more of these all natural remedies.
Cold Compress
If your knee is swollen you may wish to try a cold compress to the swelling. A cold compress can ease the discomfort and help to reduce swelling. Leave this on for 15 to 20 minutes for best results. Continue with this therapy several times a day as needed to ease the pain.
A great cold compress can be made by using to zip style plastic bags and combining two parts of water to one part of rubbing alcohol. Place the liquids into one of the zip style bags and remove as much air as possible while zipping it shut.
Place this bag into the next bag and zip shut. This helps to prevent leaks. It won’t freeze solid so you can ‘mold’ it to fit your knee. It should be ready to use one hour after you stick it in the freezer. A frozen bag of peas works well too.
Apple Cider Vinegar
If you don’t like apple cider vinegar this may not be the remedy for you. However, if you do like the taste, you may find this is an ideal remedy. Apple cider vinegar helps dissolve minerals that have built up in your joints.
They can also help to remove any toxins that may cause pain. Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in two cups of filtered water will help ease your pain. Simply sip the mix throughout the entire day. Or you can drink ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar all at once.
Try it on a salad or mix it with some olive oil and drizzle on your salad. Mix it with olive oil and massage it into your knee cap. You can also add two cups of the vinegar to your bath and soak in it.
Cayenne Pepper
It’s not just a seasoning! Cayenne is full of capsaicin. This works wonders as a pain reliever. It can be found in some ointments and creams or you can create your own paste by mixing two tablespoons of cayenne with one half cup of warm oil (we recommend olive oil).
Massage this into the affected knee twice per day for a week and see if you get some relief. You can also add it to your cider vinegar above and drink it or put one half teaspoon in a cup of apple cider vinegar and soak the affected area in it for 20 minutes twice per day.
Ginger And Turmeric
Ginger is one of those miracle seasonings that no kitchen should be without. It can help to relieve many ailments and is very effective as an anti-inflammatory. There are several ways to use ginger.
You can add a small chunk of the root to one cup of water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain and drink this as a tea to help reduce swelling. You can add lemon and honey to it to give it more flavor.
Drink several cups of this each day for best results. Massage some ginger oil into your knee several times per day.
Turmeric is also an anti-inflammatory. It’s helpful in treating arthritis. It has curcumin in it which is a strong antioxidant. It can lower the level of enzymes that cause inflammation and thus pain.
Add some turmeric to your ginger tea above (½ teaspoon is plenty). You can also add it to a glass of milk or take turmeric capsules (250 to 500 mg) three times per day.
Important Note: Turmeric is a blood thinner so if you’re on blood thinners don’t take turmeric without first consulting with your doctor or pharmacist.
The citric acid in lemons will help to dissolve uric acid crystals. Cut a lemon into six or eight wedges. Wrap it in some cotton cloth and dip it into some warm olive or sesame oil. Place this on the knee for 10 minutes at a time for relief. You can also drink diluted lemon juice early in the morning to help reduce the buildup of uric acid.
Epsom Salts
Epsom salts are full of magnesium sulfate. This has long been known to help reduce pain in knees and other sore muscles. Add one half cup to a hot bath and soak for 15 to 20 minutes.
You can also dip a cloth into the soak and lay it over the knee if you prefer not to soak in the solution. Your body can’t manufacture this mineral so it relies on other means of getting it. You can also take it as a supplement in your diet.
Important Note: If you have high blood pressure, diabetes or heart problems do not use this as a remedy for your knee pain without first consulting with your doctor. It can cause further issues.
Mustard Oil
Warm mustard oil is helpful to ease pain as well. Simply massage two tablespoons of mustard oil into the affected area. It will warm the area and ease the inflammation.
You can also use a mustard oil plaster by soaking a soft cloth in the oil and applying it to the affected area. Cover this in plastic wrap and a warm towel and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes. This can be done twice per day for two weeks.
Fenugreek seeds are ideal to relieve knee pain. They offer anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. They are naturally warming and thus ideal for knee pain. Simply soak a soft cloth in fenugreek seeds that have soaked in filtered water.
Drain the water and nibble on the seeds and apply the soft cloth to your knee. You can also roast the seeds and mix them with water to create a paste that you can apply to your knee for relief. Do this for 30 minutes twice per day for best results.
Eucalyptus Oil
Blend seven drops of eucalyptus oil and 7 drops of peppermint oil with two tablespoons of olive oil. Rub this on the affected area several times per day. Eucalyptus oil is an analgesic and will help to ease your pain. Inhale deeply as you massage, the scent is also helpful in easing the pain.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Olive oil is very soothing and has many uses. The olecanthal (which is a main compound in the olive oil) acts just as advil or aspirin. Ingesting 1 and ½ tablespoons acts just as 200 mg of ibuprofen.
However, it’s important to remember that only extra virgin olive oil or the cold pressed olive oil has this compound in it. You can also rub olive oil directly into sore areas of your knees twice per day.
Dandelion Leaves
High in both Vitamin A as well as Vitamin C, these leaves actually do serve a purpose beyond that of little chubby fingers bringing you a bouquet or the plants taking over your yard. They can help your body to repair tissue damage. They can also assist the liver in clearing toxins from your blood.
Thanks to the high content of linoleic and linoleic acid, these leaves are pretty helpful to have around. Enjoy a nice dandelion greens salad or try brewing them into a tea and sipping on it for your health.
Add one handful of leaves to 1 cup of boiling water and allow to steep. Strain and drink (1 handful is about 1 cup or you can use them dried and add in 2 teaspoons of dried leaves).
Blackstrap Molasses
Grandma may not have been that far off when she used molasses to treat her rheumatism. Add 1 tablespoon of the thick dark syrupy goo to 1 cup of warm water and drink once per day. Caution, molasses can act as a laxative. The syrup helps the body to heal and assists in muscle and nerve function.
White Willow Tea
Have you ever wondered where aspirin comes from? The answer will surprise you, it comes from White willow bark. Used as far back as the 5th Century BC, white willow bark can ease those aches and pains.
Salicin is an acid that helps to relieve pain. May be taken as capsules or you can add 2 teaspoons of the powdered form to1 cup of hot water and add in some lemon and honey to taste. Drink one cup twice per day for best results.
While exercise may seem counterproductive when it comes to pain, exercise is actually a great way to deal with pain. By getting up and getting moving those muscles and joints are forced to do some work. Often this will help to relieve symptoms and get the inactive fluids in the knee into motion. This in turn lubricates those achy joints and helps to ease pain.
Some great ways to get moving are to try a short 15 minute walk and work your way up to 30 minutes per day or 30 minutes twice per day. If you can’t seem to get motivated, call a friend and meet her half way or get a dog and take your dog on a daily walk.
Gin And Golden Raisins
No, it’s not an old wives tale, it actually works. Gin comes from none other than the juniper berry and juniper berries have anti-inflammatory properties. Gold raisins on the other hand add sulfide in the processing and this means that they have sulfides in them. Sulfides in turn have glucosamine as well as chondroitin both of which work to relieve joint pain.
Combine ½ cup Gin with 1 cup golden raisins in a shallow dish. You just barely cover the raisins with the gin. Cover and store until the gin evaporates. It will take approximately 2 weeks for the gin to evaporate. Eat approximately 9 of the raisins per day.
Also known as Bosweilla supplements, frankincense is derived from a plant. The resin form this plant is an anti-inflammatory as well as a pain killer. It disables the white blood cells that can cause swelling and it shrinks swollen tissues that are painful as well as irritated.
Available in tablet or tincture forms as well as frankincense oil. You’ll find both Frankincense as well as Bosweilla supplements and oils on the market in your health foods store.
Grape Juice And Pectin
Pectin is a carbohydrate that is water soluble. Found in cell walls it can help keep those cell walls together so that they don’t become injured. In plants, it helps the fruit to remain firm. It helps to set jam and jelly up. It’s also a very excellent way to relieve the pain of arthritis. Simply combine the two and you’ll have a stronger synovial tissue that remains lubricated and elasticized.
Use 1 tablespoon of liquid pectin (available in the canning aisle of your grocer) and 8 ounces of your favorite grape juice. Drink this a few times per day. It may take a few weeks to see results.
Other Things You May Try
In addition to the above mentioned all natural remedies for knee pain, many people have found relief by losing excess weight. Wearing proper footwear and avoiding high heels.
Good vitamin supplements such as those with Omega 3 taken on a daily basis as well as avoiding things that can be bad for your health such as smoking and excess alcohol will also help to ease joint pain.
Your body is an incredible machine that undergoes a lot of stress and mobility on a daily basis. Over the course of time your joints become less maneuverable and begin to feel the stress of your daily life.
Joint pain can cause a person to give up and quit trying, however, by using these natural forms of treatment many people have found great relief from their pain and gone on with their daily lives.
Most people find that if they combine two or more of the ideas mentioned above, they get some great relief from their pain. They have found that the more active they are the less pain they are in as well.
Knee pain can be from a trauma or from those joints wearing as we age. Treat them with respect and give them some good lubrication and keep them in motion for reduced pain.