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Fibromyalgia Fighters: How Progesterone Therapy Could Be Your Secret Weapon

For years, people have been trying to find the best way to deal with their fibromyalgia.

It can be really hard to find the relief that you need from your fibromyalgia symptoms, so you likely want to see what other people are doing in order to find relief.

Because there is thought to be a link between hormones and fibromyalgia, there have been a lot of studies on progesterone therapy and how it can help fibromyalgia. Let’s take a look.

What Happens in Progesterone Therapy?

Progesterone, if you’ve never heard of it, is a particular type of hormone that is produced naturally in the female body. It is mainly developed in order to help your reproductive system act as it should.

It also helps the child in the womb to develop properly and gives your body what it needs in order to help you carry the baby. If you don’t have enough in your body, you could end up having a miscarriage as a result.

Your uterus lining is developed with progesterone, and it helps your body to have normal periods (both in terms of flow and timing).

So, progesterone therapy is when you put progesterone into your body in a natural manner. Most times, it is done through the use of creams and gels.

On occasion, you may have this type of therapy with pills, but it’s honestly more effective to have the topical solutions as part of your treatment plan. Why?

Because then you can put the progesterone cream on a certain area of the body that is causing you the pain and frustration.

Basically, what happens is that the area of the body where it is applied; absorbs the topical solution. As it does that, it helps to increase the blood flow and it goes through the bloodstream, allowing it to get to the places that it needs to go.

By doing this, the progesterone is distributed throughout your entire body.

It’s actually quite easy for you to do, and many times, doctors will suggest it for women as something that they can try in order to help reduce the pain that they’re feeling, or they can make it safer for themselves or their babies.

Hormones are a tricky thing to deal with, and so we have to be careful at times because if we end up with too much, it could end up causing other problems.

Progesterone Therapy for Fibromyalgia

What Can Progesterone Therapy Do For Fibromyalgia Patients?

Progesterone therapy has only started to come to the forefront of treatment options for those that are dealing with fibromyalgia and other related disorders. Why?

Because there are a few theories that are linked with the female reproductive system, the hormones that are needed to keep it working correctly, and the development of fibromyalgia.

Hormones can play a huge role in your pain and the body’s sensitivity to it, so it’s not odd that this theory has come down the pipes.

The main reason why this has come up is that, when young women (teens and 20’s) end up developing fibromyalgia, they also have a hormone imbalance (more often than not, at least).

Another reason that this theory was developed was because of the many different symptoms that overlap between progesterone deficiency and fibromyalgia.

If you don’t have enough progesterone in your body, you’re going to feel exhausted and sluggish; and, as you likely know, fibromyalgia is considered to be a disorder that is related to other types of fatigue issues.

Another overlapping symptom is fibro fog – even though it comes by a different name for progesterone deficiency, it’s still the same thing – memory loss and trouble concentrating during certain tasks.

Weight gain is another problem that often overlaps because hormone imbalance often results in weight gain as well. So because of that, it may be difficult for you to notice if there are problems related to progesterone deficiency.

Because of that, the treatment is also good, because you may have the underlying issue that hasn’t been diagnosed by your doctor quite yet.

The question is, does progesterone therapy work? And the answer is, absolutely yes. If you are struggling with the fatigue that comes with fibromyalgia, then you will likely see some results, since the progesterone is known for giving people a bit more energy.

On top of that, you will usually see relief for some of the pain, specifically in the areas where you apply the cream (the neck, and various joints all over the body).

Joints are where a lot of your problems lie when it comes to your fibromyalgia symptoms, so if you can get rid of the stiffness and pain there, or at least reduce it, you’re going to be a lot better off than you would be otherwise.

And, of course, as you may be wondering, this is a totally safe type of therapy. There haven’t been any cases where people have gotten too much of the hormone into their bodies. On top of that, there are no known side effects.

Honestly, that’s the benefit of having a natural remedy for your fibromyalgia treatment – unless you have an allergy to what you’re using (and you aren’t going to be allergic to a hormone, let’s face it), then you aren’t really going to have a problem with it in the long run.

Progesterone therapy is definitely not the “magic cure” for fibromyalgia patients, but it definitely could help those who have been trying to fend off the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Sometimes, it’s hard to get everything under control, so having an answer like this could really end up helping a fibromyalgia patient a lot.

When putting together with a full treatment plan that includes diet, exercise, and other types of therapy, you will likely start to feel relief from your fibromyalgia pain.

Isn’t that what we all want from our treatment plan? Your doctor can give you advice and help in this arena of treatment.

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