Jaw Pain from Fibromyalgia: Is This the Most Overlooked Symptom
Generally understanding fibromyalgia syndrome, depending on how long one has suffered with the condition symptoms can be localized, partially generalized, or fully generalized throughout the entire body to the point of being pervasive.
Therefore, it is not unusual for sufferers to experience pain in multiple areas of the body.
Often, this will be accompanied by other symptoms such as anxiety, muscle tensions and spasms, depression, panic attacks, and withdrawal from society, as well as difficulty with social interaction.
Eating disorders can become a problem and this will present certain issues with nutrient deficiencies.
As muscle tensions increase, a condition called bruxism, or grinding of the teeth will begin to set in.
Generally, this will occur at night and one will not notice the grinding, but rather the pain of fibromyalgia and jaw and facial tenderness the next day.
The pain of fibromyalgia in any context is severe and unpleasant. When results in tenderness of the jaw, as there are so many nerves in the jaw, the symptoms can be agonizing and even disabling.
Tenderness and Pain
Pain does not necessarily imply tenderness and tenderness generally leads to pain. Not quite a paradox, but more of an implicit order, this notion should indicate an aspect of how the syndrome of fibromyalgia and pain manifest.
Some people with fibromyalgia will attain significant pain relief after long periods of non-movement.
Others will find this to cause an intensification of pain and actually require movement to reduce pain.
Almost all sufferers discover that lack of sleep causes pain to exponentially increase. What does all of this mean?
The information clearly indicates an interplay between tenderness, pain, and thresholds between the two.
Movement and pressure activate pressure receptors in the skin and muscles. This will cause pressure on nerves.
If these nerves are inflamed from say, fibromyalgia, there will be pain and an inflammatory response resulting in more pain and pressure and so on.
If there is merely blood pressure on the nerves, movement will relieve the pressure on the nerves and inflammation will be reduced, causing a reduction in pain.
In that case, however, too much movement may cause inflammation to occur again, so it is all a game of checks and balances.
Considering fibromyalgia and jaw and facial tenderness, it seems the basic inflammation of the syndrome is at work and pressure in general makes the pain worse.
If the tenderness is severe and it does lead to profound pain, it would be a good idea to see a physician. There are some medications with minimal side effects which can be quite helpful at relieving tenderness and pain.
Often the tenderness can reach such a degree which can even make it difficult to eat or smile.
Such tenderness leads to chronic pain, headaches, anxiety, nausea, and more of the same piling up like a terrible nightmare which seems to never end. This is the time for medical attention and a time for solutions.
Ask your physician who cares for your fibromyalgia about things like Lyrica, Neurontin, Cymbalta, and other possible options sited to your particular case.
Also, you may want to inquire about some diagnostic scans to determine if there may be some anatomical issues causing nerve impingements which could be exacerbating your problems.
Medications can help significantly, but if there are repairable underlying issues, it could be best to attend to these as a priority.
Dietary Supplements
There are some important dietary supplements to consider when dealing with fibromyalgia in general.
When first considering jaw and facial tenderness, bruxism, which is a grinding of the teeth, is often caused by a lack of vitamin B5, which is also known as Pantothenic acid.
This vitamin will often become deficient just through a lack of it in the diet, as the average diet does not contain much of it unless you eat a great deal of raw foods and nuts and raw vegetables with whole grains.
Supplementation is often helpful to stop grinding of the teeth, helps provide better sleep, and has helped those with fibromyalgia experience symptom relief.
It also helps to support healthy energy production through the production of ATP while supporting the immune system and adrenal gland function.
Next, it is always wise to either eat foods which are high in magnesium or use an absorbable magnesium supplement when you are dealing with fibromyalgia and jaw and facial tenderness.
This will help relax the jaw, improve your energy, provide pain relief, and relax your muscles.
Foods rich in magnesium include greens such as kale, mustard greens, collard greens, seaweeds, beets, carrots, celery, algae, alfalfa, Maringa, and more. Almonds and cashews are good sources too.
Excellent supplement sources are liquid sources like magnesium citrate dissolved in water. Start with smaller doses and work your way up to about a gram a day or so.
Vitamin C is not to be underestimated either, but you want to avoid the acidic type known as ascorbic acid. Ideally, you should get your vitamin C from freshly squeezed organic oranges you squeeze yourself and drink immediately. This is best.
Otherwise, some healthy natural sources include Amla and Camu Camu, both of which can be easily purchased in the health food stores.
Otherwise, you should seek out what are known as esterfied forms of vitamin C.
This means they have been buffered so they are not acidic and they will not aggravate your fibromyalgia symptoms.
When you put these supplements and perhaps these medications together, you may have a significant improvement in your fibromyalgia symptoms and the jaw tenderness. The facial tenderness may take longer to get over.
Try not to press on it or “massage” it much. Doing so actually only causes more irritation and it would do you much better to seek out professional massage services anyway.
Keep in mind, simple home treatments like warm Epsom salt compresses will do a great deal of good. Try things like this and the natural remedies.
If the tenderness in your face and jaw get too severe, check with your healthcare provider for some solutions. Be well.
chewing vitamin C supplements and consuming fruits took care of my fibromyalgia
chewing vitamin C supplements and consuming fruits took care of my fibromyalgia
As Mark mentioned, sometimes all you need is more vitamin C. You have to be careful though with tablets you chew as it can damage your teeth. I feel like this is a stress related issue. Fibromyalgia seems to be brought on by either mental or physical stress with in the body. I know a few people who are said to have it but I think it is an easy fix if you are willing to work with your body.
As Mark mentioned, sometimes all you need is more vitamin C. You have to be careful though with tablets you chew as it can damage your teeth. I feel like this is a stress related issue. Fibromyalgia seems to be brought on by either mental or physical stress with in the body. I know a few people who are said to have it but I think it is an easy fix if you are willing to work with your body.