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Dealing with Pain from the Hip to the Foot

There are a lot of types of pain that may cause us concern, but if there is pain over an extended area of the body, you may be even more worried.

Sometimes, you may feel some pain from your hip to your foot, and wonder what is going on, since it would be going down one entire side of your body.

That being said, what can you do to figure out what is going on? What causes the pain from the hip to the foot?

Is there anything that we can do in order to make sure that we don’t feel this pain as severely or so that we can get through our normal tasks without a lot of issues in the process? Absolutely, and that’s what we’re going to look at here.

Sometimes, actually, most times, this pain will happen because of a basic pronation of the foot.

Pronation of the foot is the point at which the heel, the insider part of your foot, and the areas connecting those two places start to break down.

Those with arches that are still in their feet all have some manifestation of pronation.

How significant the pronation is will determine exactly how the foot will strike the ground, how the body will adjust to the step and where the bones and muscles will adjust as the foot hits the ground.

There are other issues as well, but most of the time, the problem does not start with your hip, but with your foot.

The foot is the establishment of our body’s structure and the first and last piece of the body to touch the ground.

Flexibility of the foot is critical as every step requests a stretching of its tendons and muscles. As the flexibility of your foot diminishes; so do the biomechanics of your foot.

The muscles need to be flexible in order to help the belt support your foot properly.

The “belt” is the connective tissue that encompasses our muscles, tendons, and nerves (consider pantyhose or the packaging around some types of sausages).

The belt ties gatherings of muscles together so others can slide easily over one another.

At the point when there is tightness or a tear in this area of your foot, impediments happen in development, which ends up making a pulling impact on muscles and their insertion points.

For instance, in over-pronation of the foot, the curve is the place the pulling starts from.

Inside the structure of the curve is the insertion purpose of the tibia, which goes up the again of the shin bone and behind the muscle that is inside your shin bone, known as the tibialis.

At the point when the belt of your feet (known as the plantar sash) gets to be exhausted or limited, it can start to support more weight and pulling of the tibia back which can influence the arrangement of your knees into the hips and up the back.

So, as you can see, it’s all connected and if you do not take care of your feet, you’re going to struggle with your knees, your hips, your back, and perhaps the rest of your body as well.

So what can you do in order to make sure that you are not dealing with the pain as much?

How can you reduce the amount of pain that you are feeling when you are walking, running, or doing other sorts of activities?

Here are some things that you can try out in order to stretch out the muscles and make it less painful for you to walk and exercise.

pain from hip to foot

First off, you will want to try out what is called a pelvic tilt or an abdominal stretch.

You start off by placing a finger on the front boney handles on each one side of your hip.

Are your fingers lined up to structure a straight line? Is one higher than the other?

The one that is higher implies that your pelvis is posteriorly pivoted and the lower is anteriorly turned, which can indicate that yes, something is going on here with your hips.

Now, with your fingers there, you want to stretch in the opposite direction. Switch your hand to your other hip and do the same – so not only are you diagnosing that something is off, you’re getting a bit of a stretch in as well.

Then, take some time to go around the room, walking at a moderate pace. No need to sprint, just walk with your normal stride.

Take your time and intentionally step one foot before the other when strolling over a room. Do your curves come in? Does one hip drop down more than the other? Does your pelvis move front and back or side to side?

Keep an eye on this and see if you have to change anything to help accommodate your hips. Try out different styles of walking to reduce the pressure as well.

Lastly, you can try this little exercise that only works with your feet, instead of your whole body.

You should do it standing up, but you can do it sitting down as well. Snatch a lacrosse ball, tennis ball or a massage balland start by setting it on the curve of your foot.

Gradually move all over the curve, loosening up the belt area.

When you discover a weakness, stop and apply your body weight to stretch the foot out. When the pressure discharges, start to move all over the foot.

Verify you get the external center, outside, and inside of the feet. This will discharge strain in your feet and help you discover more versatility and steadiness as you walk, run, and stand.

So as you can see, there are a lot of things that you can do in order to reduce the pain that you may be feeling from your hip to your foot.

You’ll have to put a little effort into it, but once you get started, you will start to feel a difference in the amount of pain you are (or aren’t) feeling.

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