What Causes Cellulite

What’s Making Your Cellulite Worse – And How to Stop It

Are you wondering what causes cellulite? Many people who are struggling with this condition or who want to do their absolute best to avoid its occurrence want to know exactly what causes cellulite so that they can take the steps they need to get rid of this unsightly tissue—or prevent it from occurring in the first place.

There are many answers to the question of what causes cellulite, so it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution.

You need to examine your situation and determine what risk factors may lead you to develop cellulite or have already caused it to occur.

When you are able to recognize those factors effectively, you can take the steps you need to eliminate this tissue from your body.

Remember that cellulite occurs far more naturally in the female body than the male’s, so you should keep this in mind as you examine the various causes of cellulite.

Let’s go over what you need to know.

What’s Making Your Cellulite Worse

A Poor Diet

The first and most notable cause of cellulite is a poor diet plan. If you are not eating as you should be on a day-to-day basis, you are not only setting yourself up to experience cellulite but also setting yourself up to experience fat gain as well.

Diet is the real ticket to managing cellulite because the foods you eat daily directly influence how you look.

If you want to do your part to reduce cellulite, you need to eat a diet full of lean proteins, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and healthy oils.

You want to eliminate as much processed, fried, and junk foods as possible because these will not help you reduce the amount of cellulite in your body.

You should also avoid consuming too much coffee as well as caffeine can cause dehydration to occur, and this can also increase your risk of developing cellulite.

Lack Of Exercise

The next factor on the list of what causes cellulite is a lack of exercise. If you do not get much physical activity during the day, you are definitely going to increase the chances that you will start to suffer from cellulite.

Those who are not exercising enough will not maintain lean muscle mass tissue, and it’s this lean muscle mass tissue keeps the skin firm and tight, reducing the dimpled-like appearance of cellulite tissue.

Regular strength training will also help you maintain a higher metabolic rate, which is critically important for reducing the appearance of cellulite in the body.

Strength and aerobic training should be included in a plan to help reduce cellulite. If you are leading a very inactive lifestyle at the moment, this is one of the biggest causes of cellulite that you need to fix immediately.


Hormones can also be another of the causes of cellulite. If you have a very high level of insulin in your body due to a diet rich in simple carbs, this will encourage fat storage and make you more likely to gain excess body weight.

Furthermore, if you have estrogen flowing throughout your body as well, as many women do, that is a hormone that can put you at a higher risk for developing cellulite and accumulating excess fat, so tilt the scales against you.

Women who are in their menopausal years who start to see shifts in hormonal levels are often more prone to developing cellulite, so it will be even more important to watch your diet at this point in time as you move into these years ahead.


The next answer to the question of what causes cellulite is stress. Leading a high-stress lifestyle can negatively impact you in several different ways.

First, high-stress levels cause your body to release far more cortisol, a hormone that tends to break down lean muscle mass while encouraging abdominal fat.

Cortisol will also increase cellulite formation as it negatively impacts your metabolic rate.

In addition, being constantly stressed can increase the chances that you will eat for reasons other than hunger, which further increases the risk of gaining body weight.

Stress is detrimental to overall health, so you must effectively manage it to stay cellulite-free and feel your best.


Genetics are the next reason you may see cellulite on your body. If you know that your mom had a high amount of cellulite present on her body, as did your grandmother, chances are going to be good that you will have a high level as well.

Unfortunately, genetics will increase your risk. However, the good news is that if you know this, you can take more powerful steps to reduce the chances that you will develop cellulite.

You will need to be stricter with your diet plan and focus on getting a bit more exercise so that you can overcome this bad genetic background.

Lifestyle Factors

Finally, the last factor that causes cellulite is lifestyle. This includes smoking, which puts you at a higher risk of development, and lack of sleep.

Both of these will increase the likelihood of cellulite forming on your body, so you must take control of them.

Start getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night while also making sure you do everything in your power to quit smoking.

So now you know what causes cellulite. Take steps to prevent these from impacting you.

What’s Making Your Cellulite Worse

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