How Chemicals Could Be Worsening Your Fibromyalgia

How Chemicals Could Be Worsening Your Fibromyalgia?

Is it possible for chemicals to cause fibromyalgia or does the syndrome cause chemical sensitivity? The issue is one of those “chicken or the egg topics”.

Regardless, many different types of stimuli can set off a horrible cascade of inflammation and pain for sufferers of fibromyalgia and chemical sensitivity.

We walk around in a world of cologne, perfume, after-shave, before-shave, scented candles, pesticides, and various chemicals. The list is terrible and long.

Much of it is toxic and some of it is regarded as medicine. This collection of chemicals can induce diseases like fibromyalgia.

What are the Chemicals?

Usually, when we think of chemicals, we think of things in a chemistry lab or the stuff the pest control people come around with. This would be a correct assumption.

More aptly described, chemicals are collections of atoms that are all around us and compose us, as parts of the world we know and understand. Not all of it is toxic.

Once humans started creating strange things with chemistry, the world went out of balance and we managed to create a highly reactive mess that widely affects the physical health of all life-forms.

Natural chemicals can affect human health, but these are typically isolated to plants and animals remote from human contact.

Usually, the culprits responsible for chemical sensitivities are synthetic chemicals in commercially produced products such as cleaning agents, scented items and plastics.

Often, these harsh products can cause serious reactions of the skin and eyes and eventually lead to further physical problems up to and including the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Biodegradable Surfactants

Many suspect products exist on the market. Just because the label reads “biodegradable” or “organic” does not necessarily mean it will not cause a chemical sensitivity reaction.

A surfactant is any compound that eases the release of particles from a binding surface. For example, it makes dirt come off of tables, plates, and skin.

Soap is a suficant and sometimes we can be so sensitive to certain kinds of soap that the soap can cause health problems whether it is natural or not.

Therefore it is important to take time and try to determine which things make us sick and which keep us healthy.

Choosing biodegradable products is a good idea because this reduces pollution and potential exposure for other people with chemical sensitivities.

After all, we certainly do not want to perpetuate fibromyalgia and chemical sensitivity. Another consideration with biodegradable products is how basic they are.

Usually, they are natural and easily assimilated by the body and non-toxic so the liver and kidneys do not have to undergo much stress in order to get them out of the body.

Ultimately, staying informed about cleaning products and how to avoid polluting yourself and your environment is a good health strategy for you and your neighbors. Stay clean but make sure

keeping clean doesn’t get you sick. The rules are different for everybody.

Fibromyalgia and Chemical Sensitivity

Pets and Chemicals

Another type of chemical exposure infrequently considered is to pets. This may come as a surprise at first. Routinely, chemicals are used on or around our pets to get rid of fleas, odors, ticks, mites, and more.

The liquid you purchase from the store or veterinarian to place on kitty or pooch necks to make the bugs go away is actually poison and contributes to fibromyalgia and chemical sensitivity. Pesticides like this have been implicated in incidents of birth defects and many diseases.

There are natural alternatives available for pet care. It may be a good idea to try natural pet care products for a period of time if you have fibromyalgia symptoms.

Perhaps even your pets have had some pain problems as well and they could benefit too. Just be wary. Even “natural” products can be suspect. Do your research well. This is a trial and effort process.

In the long run, the goal is to reduce exposure to chemicals that are harmful to you and exacerbate fibromyalgia symptoms. Healing should be the goal while leaving pain and discomfort behind.

Simple Practices to Avoid Chemical Sensitivities

There is this nasty chemical used in industries for various purposes. The details are too extensive for the purposes of this article. You have fibromyalgia and chemical sensitivity.

The chemical is called Bi-phenyl-acetate. BPA for short. It is used in many manufacturing practices and used to line cans, bags, and even used on receipt paper so the machines don’t have to use ink.

The problem is, just by touching your receipt at the market or by eating from a BPA lined can, you end up with a seriously potent, slow-acting poison in your body. Being chemically sensitive, this is especially dark news. What do you do?

First, get the panic over with. You have 15 minutes then chill out. Many packaging companies in the natural foods industry have banned the use of BPAs in their foods. And, just don’t take the receipt at the market unless you are wearing a nitrile glove.


The triggers to cascading fibromyalgia symptoms are many. Stress, certain movements, diet, lack of exercise, and other conditions all contribute the worsening the syndrome.

The most insidious and unavoidable factors are chemical exposure. It is not just the chemicals. It is repeated exposure causing serious immune reactions which become triggers the setting of massive cascades of debilitating symptoms.

The question of relief and how to provide it rapidly is at the forefront. Medications come frontline but it doesn’t stop the triggers.

Relocation comes to mind, but this is a huge undertaking and there is little support for folks with a newly recognized disease potentially worsened by the poisoned environment we all contributed to.

Many of those who suffer from fibromyalgia and chemical sensitivity do find relief through medical assistance and sometimes other means. They can be comfortable, but it is a continuing challenge.

How Chemicals Could Be Worsening Your Fibromyalgia

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  1. So many health problems today can be blamed on exposure to elements in the world around us. I have fibromyalgia and also allergic rhinitis, both affected by these contaminants. This article confirms my suspicions.

  2. So many health problems today can be blamed on exposure to elements in the world around us. I have fibromyalgia and also allergic rhinitis, both affected by these contaminants. This article confirms my suspicions.

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