Is Your Fibromyalgia Hiding a Serious Menstrual Issue?
The condition of fibromyalgia- of fibro- is characterized by widespread pain, fatigue, and many other symptoms. Is it possible that part of the pain experienced by women with the condition of fibro could be menorrhagia?
Menorrhagia is defined by prolonged or heavy menstrual periods and is the most common form of abnormal uterine bleeding.
If you are soaking through a pad or tampon every hour for several consecutive hours, your period is considered heavy.
If you are not soaking through pads or tampons that quickly, chances are that your period is pretty normal.
Some of the other possible symptoms of heavy periods can be:
- Nighttime bleeding requiring getting up in the middle of the night to change pads or tampons.
- Passing of large blood clots during your period.
- Periods lasting for more than 7 days.
If you have a severe case of menorrhagia, it can cause interference with your daily activities and even sleep.
Significant blood loss from these heavy periods can also cause you to have anemia, which leads to symptoms such as shortness of breath and/or fatigue.
Causes of Menorrhagia
While it has been considered that fibro could be causing women to experience menorrhagia, you do not have to have the condition of fibro in order to have the condition of menorrhagia. There are several other possible causes for this condition including:
1- Imbalance of hormones: the most common hormones involved in menstruation are estrogen and progesterone.
Hormonal imbalances are most common in teen girls who are just beginning to menstruate and older women who are getting closer to menopause. In addition, hormonal imbalances can occur if there is an issue with the functioning of your ovaries.
2- Fibroid and/or benign uterine tumors: typically, a woman who is in her childbearing years will be most likely to experience fibroids tumors.
3- Ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage: when the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, in the fallopian tubes, this results in an ectopic pregnancy- which could result in miscarriage or required taking of the fetus- which can cause intense bleeding.
4- Using blood thinners
5- Intrauterine device (IUD): if you use an IUD and you begin to have problems with it, you may have excessive bleeding.
6- Adenomyosis: this is a condition in which your glands from your uterine lining become embedded in the wall of your uterus this typically happens in middle-aged women who have had several children.
7- Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): this is an infection of your fallopian tubes, uterus, and other reproductive organs.
8- Cancers: cancer of the uterus, ovaries, and cervix are very rare but could be a possible cause for excessive uterine bleeding.
9- Other medical conditions: if you have other conditions such as kidney, thyroid, or liver disease that prevent normal clotting of your blood, it can lead to menorrhagia.
Treating Menorrhagia
If you are experiencing the condition of menorrhagia, it is critical that you see your physician as soon as possible to determine what is causing it.
The treatment chosen for your condition will depend upon the cause of your bleeding. Following are some of the most common medical treatments for this condition:
1- NSAIDs: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications including naproxen and ibuprofen can be used to help ease pain and reduce the amount of blood being passed.
2- Hormone therapy: this can be used to help add stability to the lining of your uterus, or the endometrium, and to correct imbalances in hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, and regulate menstrual periods.
3- An intrauterine device, or IUD, that secretes hormones.
4- Non-hormonal medications that promote the clotting of blood.
Depending upon your personal and family medical history as well as what could be causing your menorrhagia, your physician may prefer to perform one of several different surgical procedures, including the following:
1- Dilation and curettage, commonly known as D & C. This procedure involves dilating your cervix and then scraping out the lining of your uterus.
2- Hysteroscopy: this is a procedure where the physician will insert a long, thin scope into your uterus through your vagina and cervix.
This will allow him or her to see and remove any uterine masses that are present that could be contributing to the heavy bleeding. This will also allow your physician to get a good look at your uterine lining.
3- Endometrial ablation or resection: in this particular procedure, the lining of your uterus will be removed or destroyed. However, you must be aware that if you have this procedure done, you will not be able to have a baby in the future.
4- Hysterectomy: this is a surgical procedure in which the cervix and the uterus are removed. This is another procedure in which you will not be able to have a baby.
Losing a lot of blood during your period can cause the condition of iron-deficiency anemia. Chances are that your physician will be likely to recommend an OTC or prescribe a prescription-strength iron supplement for you to take until you have your bleeding under control.
Women who have been diagnosed with the condition of fibro must be aware of their periods. If you notice that your periods are heavier than normal or you are having lots of pain, you should definitely see a physician as soon as possible. It is quite possible that you are dealing with the condition of menorrhagia.
The condition of menorrhagia describes heavy bleeding and extreme pain. There is no cure for this condition, but it can be controlled with medication and/or surgical procedures.
The best thing you can do is take good care of yourself: get proper exercise, eat healthy foods, avoid unhealthy foods, and get adequate sleep. This will help to control your overall symptoms of fibro and maintain your quality of life.
While it is true that fibro and menorrhagia are conditions that have no cure for, there are some things you can do to stay as healthy as possible. Just keep doing what you’re doing and you should be fine.