Reduce Cellulite and Make your Butt look Sexy
The eternal enigma: CELLULITE. Millions of women suffer from it and that is a fact. Do you know that 90% (if not more) of women have cellulite on some part of their bodies? It can appear anywhere and everywhere, but it mostly affects the buttock area.
This is okay when it’s cold outside and we are wearing jeans. But what happens when the summer comes?
We become frustrated because we are ashamed to go to the beach and wear bikinis and swimsuits. Is there any permanent solution that will help us make our butts less ugly?
If you’re waiting for some magic cream or device that will get rid of cellulite in a week, you are wasting your time.
Those creams and serums and devices can only be a little help. What you need to do is start working so that you, yourself get rid of it.
There are many available options for treating cellulite on your butt, but none of them works alone.
You will have to incorporate and unite many of these tips if you wish to lose cellulite permanently. It sounds tough, but it really isn’t.
You just need to get used to some really small changes that you will practice every day and make them a habit. Here’s what you need to do, results are promised:
Exercises that target your buttocks
If you wish to reduce the cellulite on your butt you need to target especially that area. Have you ever wondered why many women who exercise still have cellulite?
That’s because they’re not doing the right exercises. Just running or just walking won’t be enough for your butt cellulite to go away. There are special exercises that will target only this area.
The best ones are lunges, squats, Pilates, jogging, stepping on stairs, swimming, and all other exercises that you feel target your butt.
Other very important and crucial exercises for your buttocks are strength training exercises.
These exercises will help you build muscles on your butt. No, not those masculine, huge muscles, just muscles.
Building muscles increase the process of burning fat and help you look fitter and tighter. It’s best if you combine regular cardio exercises with strength exercises that target your butt.
A diet that will help you reduce cellulite
In order to reduce your butt cellulite, you also need to make a few changes in your diet.
Don’t worry, this is not a strict diet that will exhaust and starve you. It’s just some few simple things that you need to respect.
Cutting down fat intakes! And it’s as simple as it sounds. When you reduce your fat intake, your body will have to use those reserve storages of fat (cellulite) and this will reduce cellulite and prevent the appearance of new layers of fat.
Fiber is the one important thing you need to start using more. Whole grains, dark green vegetables, oats, etc. are all foods rich in fiber.
So, basically what you can eat is lean meat (with no fats, just protein), vegetables, fruits, grains, everything except fat.
Lots and lots of water
I guess you already know this. Water is like fuel to your body. It helps your body complete all its functions and stimulates the process of burning more fats.
Staying hydrated is extremely important for your battle with cellulite. This way, you will get rid of all the toxins and unnecessary fats more quickly.
Exfoliate the skin on your butt
When it comes to losing cellulite, exfoliation is more like a temporary solution.
However, if you need not have cellulite for a day, it is very efficient. And if you use exfoliation every day, you might also get some long-term results.
For exfoliation, you don’t need some expensive products. You already have the best product at home.
All you need is some oil (olive or baby oil) and ground coffee or cane sugar. Mix the oil and the coffee together and start massaging your butt with this exfoliator. You will really get amazing results.
Dry brush your buttocks skin
Buy one of those big, stiff brushes (preferably with a natural origin). Every day before you take a shower, devote a couple of minutes and dry brush the parts where you have cellulite, including your butt.
This will stimulate cells that are deep under your skin and improve the circulation. The results will be here in no time. Just try not to hurt your skin too much.