Chelation Therapy: Detox to Ease Fibromyalgia Symptoms
If you are interested in trying an alternative therapy to help with your fibromyalgia, consider trying chelation therapy.
Although this is a traditional therapy for people suffering from heavy metal poisoning, chelation therapy has become a popular alternative therapy for individuals suffering from fibromyalgia.
Through the process of chelation therapy, your body can get rid of excess toxins and you can feel a reduction in inflammation and muscle pain throughout your body.
It is thought that possible exposure to unwanted chemicals can contribute to fibromyalgia symptoms.
Chelation therapy helps rid your body of the accumulated toxins and cleanse your cells so they can be filled with more positive substances like vitamins.
What is Chelation Therapy?
This procedure is usually performed in a medical office or clinic through the use of intravenous medication.
Chelation therapy was developed to treat patients who had suffered heavy metal poisoning. For fibromyalgia patients, chelation therapy is performed to remove unwanted metals from the bloodstream.
Even though these metals are not at critically dangerous levels, the thought is by removing them your body will be better able to fight the symptoms of fibromyalgia.
In chelation therapy, EDTA, or ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid, positively charges metals and binds to toxins in your body to help remove them. The buildup of substances like iron, magnesium, and zinc in our bodies can be eliminated through the use of chelation therapy.
Before you Start
Any doctor or clinic will need to assess you before you can start chelation therapy. You will need to complete a medical examination and undergo blood tests.
Your physician may ask you to fill out questionnaires about your lifestyle, stress levels, diet and give you a full physical exam.
Chelation therapy is a medical procedure and your practitioner will need to assess your overall health before starting your treatments.
You can talk with the doctor regarding any current symptoms you are having from your fibromyalgia, including muscle pain, inflammation, and swelling.
Forms of Therapy
Intravenous blood therapy is the most common form of chelation therapy. You can find alternative health clinics which provide this therapy and you can find traditional medical doctors who provide it as well.
Your sessions will last from 20 to 40 minutes and you will need to go into the clinic two to three times per week during your treatment period.
Sometimes your treatment will involve adding additional minerals and vitamins such as vitamin B and C. The EDTA infusion will go through a needle inserted into your vein, typically in your arm or hand.
There is also the option to do your chelation treatment through oral pills, which you would take on a daily basis for a period of two to three weeks.
Where to Get Started
Finding a provider for chelation therapy can be difficult if you do not know where to look. You can talk with your local alternative medicine doctor or other infusion clinics in your area.
Make sure to ask a question before getting started so you feel comfortable with the process. You can make a list of questions ahead of time to ensure you will not forget important information you are interested in learning about before agreeing to the process.
Talking to Your Doctor
It is important to talk with your primary care provider before you get started with any alternative treatment, such as chelation therapy.
Your primary care doctor knows you well and can tell you if this type of therapy will be helpful to you.
Your doctor can give you more information on chelation therapy including the positive outcomes and possible side effects.
Take your time and visit with your doctor about any concerns you have regarding your fibromyalgia and the possible use of chelation therapy.
This type of therapy is not good for all people, so make sure you are a good candidate before you get started.
Side Effects
Some common side effects of chelation therapy include low blood sugar, diarrhea, low blood pressure, headache, and fatigue.
These symptoms are decreased when additional additives are added to chelation therapy, such as vitamin C.
Your body may experience these symptoms immediately after treatment or in the next 24 hours. These symptoms are due to your blood reacting with the chelation agent EDTA and trying to pass out the metals from your body.
You can reduce these side effects by eating a well-balanced diet and staying hydrated during your treatment period.
Journaling to Keep Track of Symptoms
It may help you to see your progress in treatment if you keep a journal of how you are feeling. Your journal can track your positive and negative feelings throughout the chelation therapy process.
Keep a log of your energy level, foods you eat, how well you sleep and overall how you are feeling. When your treatment period is over, you can look back through your journal to see if you notice a trend of you feeling better.
Keeping a journal is a simple and easy way for you to quickly see how you were feeling on certain days and how your body was reacting.
You can look back to see what methods of treatment were helpful to you and which did not help you feel better.
It is important to discuss your interest in chelation therapy with your primary care doctor before you get started.
Once your doctor has given you permission, then you can move forward with your exam by the chelation therapy doctor.
Come prepared for your first appointment with all your questions and make sure you fully understand the possible side effects of the procedure.
Once you get started with the chelation therapy treatment, make sure you are eating healthy and taking care of yourself throughout the treatment length.
Eat additional vitamin-rich foods to keep your energy up and help your body rid itself of the toxins. Chelation therapy is helpful for many people suffering from fibromyalgia, do your research and ask questions, then give chelation therapy a try to see if it is right for you.