Avoid These Foods to Protect Yourself from Diabetes
Diabetes is not an unheard disease these days. With highly imbalanced food habits and lack of attention towards increasing body weight, the problem of diabetes is affecting most of the people above 40’s these days.
Due to over pressure of work and to stand affirm in this highly competitive world you often pay meager heed to your health and rely more on packaged foods and other junk stuff. And at the same time you overhear your body’s call for exercise.
As a result of this, the glucose of your body is not consumed properly thereby increasing the level of sugar.
With the disruption of body’s metabolism in this manner you often tend to develop diabetes.
However, there are a variety of reasons responsible for diabetes, yet proper diet and eating habits contribute a major part in causing and preventing it.
How is Diabetes Caused?
Diabetes is caused by the improper functioning of metabolism of the body. As you know, the digestive tract breaks down sugar and starch from the food we eat into glucose that enters the bloodstream.
The hormone insulin made in pancreas absorbs this glucose from the blood and use it to provide energy to the body.
However, at times when the insulin production becomes insufficient or impotent to assimilate glucose from the blood, the condition of diabetes arises.
Ill Effects of Diabetes
Diabetes is one of those diseases that are not identified at a very early period as the ill impacts of this disease are observed gradually with time.
However, the outcomes that are caused diabetes prove to be highly adverse. Where on one hand glucose gives energy to the body, it becomes injurious when present in high quantity.
High glucose content in the blood damages blood vessels and nerves and lead to a number of diseases like cardiac arrest, improper functioning of kidney, visual impairment, amputations, retarded healing of blood, early ageing, depression, complications in pregnancy and so on.
How to Control Diabetes?
To control diabetes you surely need some medication if the sugar level is very high but at the same time in most of the cases and doctors’ advices, diabetes could be best controlled by maintaining a healthy diet.
This doesn’t take a heavy toll on your efforts; you just need to change your lifestyle a bit and live a tension-free life.
It is also advised to lose weight and especially your belly fat as the fat deposited in your belly often hinders insulin to reach your bloodstream if it is produced.
Both later mentioned measures not only lead to control diabetes but also are effective for the prevention of the same before it hits your body.
Is the Diet for Diabetes very Strict?
By now this question must have struck your brains. But I must tell you, there is no need to worry about the diet plan as you don’t have to bring huge changes in your diet.
You must also not feel depressed thinking that you will have to compromise with taste.
Diet advised for diabetes will not coerce you to eat tasteless food, rather it includes tasty food balanced in all essential elements and at the same time giving you required energy boost and a better mood.
What can You Include in the Diabetes Diet?
You should first of all include all those food items that have rich fiber content like brown rice, sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes, yams, cauliflower mash.
You can also serve your taste buds with pasta but you should take it into consideration that you eat whole-wheat pasta rather than the regular one.
You can have spaghetti squash in your diet. Whole-grain or whole-wheat bread can also be listed in your diet.
You should go for how-sugar cereal, peas and leafy green vegetables. Rolled oats and low-sugar bran flakes are also advisable in the diet of diabetes.
You should always prefer fresh fruits over juice as they contain essential fibers need by your body, fish and shellfish, organic and free-range chicken should be taken more if you are a diabetes patient.
Also high quality of protein should be included in your diet like eggs, beans, milk, cheese and unsweetened yoghurt.
What should be Avoided?
Foods with high carbohydrate contents should preferably be avoided as they increase the production of sugar and thus leading to a more concerned situation.
Also you should avoid deep-fried and hydrogenated food stuffs. High sugar containing eatables like sweets, chips and desserts that come packaged should be avoided.
Also processed meat and red meat obtained from animals that are injected with antibiotics and growth hormones prove to be dangerous.
Alcoholic drinks like wine, whisky, cocktails and beer are highly rich in sugar content and they can meddle with your medications and also with the metabolism of the body that is already weak.
Therefore, these drinks should be replaced with calorie-free drinks. Also you should trim down the adding of sweeteners and creamers in your tea and coffee.
Myths associated with Diet for Diabetes
With every disease, there are always some myths attached and especially when it comes to food plan. So is the case when we look for diabetes diet.
Most common myth, that people generally think is to cut all sugar in your food. However, going by the facts, sugar is also necessary for your body but you have to be cautious about the proper amount.
Another myth associated with this disease is that you should discard carbs in your meal to a huge extent, which is not what facts tell you.
You should nevertheless be choosy in opting the right kind of carbs for yourself that are rich in fiber so that they are digested slowly and the sugar levels are maintained evenly.
Things to Keep in Mind
You should always go for foods with less sugar content. Even if you are buying a packaged food, you must first check the label stating the composition and go for the one with low sugar level.
A diabetic patient should eat at regular and fixed intervals of time and should not remain empty stomach for long.
You can divide your meal at smaller intervals, ranging up to 5 or 6 meals a day. Breakfast is mandatory for all diabetic patients.