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Author: Servanne Edlund

Home Test to Diagnose Fibromyalgia

Home Test to Diagnose Fibromyalgia on Your Own

Can you take a test on your own to diagnose fibromyalgia at home? That is one of the most common questions asked when individuals suspect they may have fibromyalgia. The short answer is yes; there are ways to evaluate whether or not your symptoms could be related to fibromyalgia. The […]

is fibromyalgia real or fake

I Have Fibromyalgia & No One Believes Me, Not Even My Doctor

How do I talk to my doctor about fibromyalgia? This is, unfortunately, a very common question among Fibro Warriors. Very often, an individual will suffer from chronic pain, joint dysfunction, Fibro Fog, and sometimes added issues that are commonly associated with fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, there are still way too many people […]

Foolproof test to diagnose fibromyalgia

Foolproof Test to Diagnose Fibromyalgia

Is there a test to diagnose fibromyalgia with absolute certainty? This is the ten million dollar question. And the short answer is, “No.” I understand this is most likely not the answer you were hoping for, and it certainly does not seem helpful at first glance. But just because there […]

I have fibromyalgia and I cant do this anymore

I have fibromyalgia and I can’t do this anymore

First, I’m sure you’re wondering what this “this” is which I can’t handle any longer. Let me put it simply for the world to see. “This” can be anything. Hear me out. We all have things that we do, things that we have to do and things that we love […]

fibromyalgia and ankylosing spondylitis

Accepting Defeat – Servanne’s Fibromyalgia Story

Odd title, right? But admit it, it picked your curiosity! I should clarify a couple of things right off the bat. First, the below is me interviewing myself. That’s weird. So I’m going to pretend it’s all good, and roll with the tide. Second, I probably should explain why I’ve […]

dairy products and fibromyalgia

29+1 Foods to Avoid when you have Fibromyalgia

Before I write another word, I need to make a confession. I have said before that I am obese. 300+ pounds at the moment. One does not get to this glorious number without eating. That’s just science. But here is the deal: I love food. I don’t mean that I […]

fibromyalgia misdiagnosis

Fighting Misinformation – Letia’s Story

Recently, TheFibroWarriors.com expanded our community by creating a Facebook group. The group has one simple focus: make everyone welcome to share their story, confide in Fibro Warriors who understand exactly how they feel, and never again be afraid to express their true feelings. Fibromyalgia is a lonely ailment. It is […]

fibromyalgia doctor

9 proven ways to crush your fibromyalgia flare-ups

Fibromyalgia is an odd bird. It’s not like bronchitis or strep throat, where definite symptoms point to one possible diagnosis – no guessing, no errors. But fibromyalgia is also not like migraines or depression, where the diagnosis relies mostly on the patient’s account of internal symptoms. Nope. That would be […]

aquatic exercising for fibromyalgia

29 +1 Low Impact Activities for Fibro Warriors

I know what you’re thinking. Exercising is nearly impossible some days when you suffer from fibromyalgia. Trust me, I get it. But here is the deal: if we stop moving altogether, pretty soon we won’t be able to move at all. So while it sounds counterintuitive, the best thing you […]

Invisible Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

The 29 + 1 Invisible Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

“I’m sorry? What do you have? Fibromyalgia? Isn’t that a made-up thing? You sure don’t look sick.” How many times have we, as fibromyalgia sufferers, had to justify that our ailment is real! Oftentimes, when you tell someone you are sick, they give you the quick once over and retort […]