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Invisible Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

The 29 + 1 Invisible Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

“I’m sorry? What do you have? Fibromyalgia? Isn’t that a made-up thing? You sure don’t look sick.” How many times have we, as fibromyalgia sufferers, had to justify that our ailment is real! Oftentimes, when you tell someone you are sick, they give you the quick once over and retort […]

Fibromyalgia and Endometriosis

Fibromyalgia and Endometriosis: Understanding the Link

Fibromyalgia and endometriosis are two long-lasting health issues that can hurt and bother people who have them.  Fibromyalgia makes your whole body ache because it’s a problem with your nerves. Endometriosis happens when the lining of your uterus grows where it shouldn’t, which also causes pain and other troubles.  It […]

Unusual Signs of Fibromyalgia

13 Unusual Signs of Fibromyalgia: Symptoms Beyond Pain

Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes widespread pain, sensitivity, and chronic fatigue. While the most common symptoms of fibromyalgia include musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, memory challenges, and sleep issues, it can also lead to unusual and unexpected symptoms in some people. Here are some of the less common symptoms of fibromyalgia […]

tramadol for fibromyalgia

Tramadol for Fibromyalgia: Safe Pain Relief?

Managing fibromyalgia pain can be a challenging endeavor. Individuals with fibromyalgia often experience widespread musculoskeletal pain along with other symptoms like fatigue, sleep disturbances, and cognitive issues. In the quest for safe and effective treatment options, tramadol has emerged as a potential pain relief medication for fibromyalgia. Tramadol is a […]

Can Fibromyalgia Cause Diabetes

Can Fibromyalgia Cause Diabetes? Uncover the Truth

Unlocking a potential link between fibromyalgia and diabetes, recent research reveals game-changing findings. People with fibromyalgia show higher hemoglobin A1c levels, a marker for average blood sugar, suggesting a connection with diabetes. What does this mean for those with fibromyalgia? Could it lead to diabetes? Join us as we explore […]

Can Fibromyalgia Cause Bladder Problems

Can Fibromyalgia Cause Bladder Problems? Let’s Explore

Having lived with fibromyalgia for several years, I comprehend the profound influence this condition can exert on various facets of one’s life. One less talked about area of impact is bladder function. Over the years, I have come across many individuals with fibromyalgia who also experience bladder problems. This led me to research the […]

Can Fibromyalgia Cause Neuropathy

Can Fibromyalgia Cause Neuropathy: Understanding the Connection

Fibromyalgia, a chronic pain disorder, causes widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbances in millions worldwide. Furthermore, fibromyalgia can coincide with nerve problems, specifically neuropathy, resulting in pain, numbness, and weakness across different body parts. Understanding nerve problems and their common symptoms is crucial in identifying the potential link between […]

Can Fibromyalgia Cause High Blood Pressure

Can Fibromyalgia Cause High Blood Pressure? Is There a Connection You Need to Know About?

Fibromyalgia is a long-lasting disorder that impacts the musculoskeletal system, leading to widespread pain and sensitivity throughout the body.  Conversely, high blood pressure is a prevalent condition characterized by excessive blood force against the arterial walls. Although these two conditions might appear unrelated initially, recent studies have indicated a potential […]


Fibromyalgia and Back Pain: The Unseen Battle

Are you experiencing frequent back pain without any obvious reason? If you’ve received a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, you probably know that back pain is a prevalent symptom of this long-term health condition. But managing fibromyalgia back pain can be challenging, requiring a multifaceted approach that includes exercise, massage therapy, and […]

Foods to Avoid with Fibromyalgia

Top 13 Foods to Avoid if You Suffer from Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain that affects an estimated 10 million people in the United States alone.  Fibromyalgia symptoms are widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized body areas. People with fibromyalgia often experience other symptoms, including sleep disturbances, headaches, cognitive difficulties, and mood disorders such as anxiety and […]

Foolproof test to diagnose fibromyalgia

Foolproof Test to Diagnose Fibromyalgia

Is there a test to diagnose fibromyalgia with absolute certainty? This is the ten million dollar question. And the short answer is, “No.” I understand this is most likely not the answer you were hoping for, and it certainly does not seem helpful at first glance. But just because there […]

fibromyalgia misdiagnosis

Fighting Misinformation – Letia’s Story

Recently, expanded our community by creating a Facebook group. The group has one simple focus: make everyone welcome to share their story, confide in Fibro Warriors who understand exactly how they feel, and never again be afraid to express their true feelings. Fibromyalgia is a lonely ailment. It is […]

fibromyalgia doctor

9 proven ways to crush your fibromyalgia flare-ups

Fibromyalgia is an odd bird. It’s not like bronchitis or strep throat, where definite symptoms point to one possible diagnosis – no guessing, no errors. But fibromyalgia is also not like migraines or depression, where the diagnosis relies mostly on the patient’s account of internal symptoms. Nope. That would be […]

Diet Modification for fibromyalgia

Living and Learning with Fibromyalgia

“Improvidus , apto, quod victum.” Improvise, adapt, overcome. I’ll bet that when you were diagnosed with fibromyalgia, you didn’t expect you would be living according to the unofficial motto of the US Marine Corp. But before too long, you will be, because you must if you want to enjoy your […]

Milnacipran for fibromyalgia

Pros and Cons of Fibromyalgia Treatments

There are several fibromyalgia treatments that are available those who do suffer with this issue. This illness affects numerous people throughout the world each and every day. It can make having a normal, daily life almost impossible due to the pain and inflammation that accompanies fibromyalgia. This issue is just […]

natural supplements for fibromyalgia pain

Can natural supplements really ease fibromyalgia pain?

The verdict on fibromyalgia remains undecided. This is basically because the condition is not well understood, and its exact cause unknown. There are, however, a number of doctors, researchers as well as people with fibromyalgia who believe that nutritional supplements should be an important part of symptom management. Having said […]

Guide to Treating Fibromyalgia

A Guide to Treating Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is an illness that can affect anyone, of any age. However, it is often seen in women who are over the age of 50 years old. With this being said, is there a cure for fibromyalgia? What treatment options are available for those who do suffer with fibromyalgia? These […]