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What To Wear To Hot Yoga

What to Wear for Hot Yoga! Stay Cool and Stylish

Hot yoga presents unique challenges for clothing choices. The intense heat and humidity demand attire that can handle sweat while allowing freedom of movement. Lightweight, moisture-wicking fabrics are essential for comfort and performance in hot yoga classes. Opt for breathable tank tops or fitted shirts paired with shorts or leggings […]

Why Your Skin Hurts More with Fibromyalgia

Why Your Skin Hurts More with Fibromyalgia: Uncover the Truth

Are you struggling with dry, itchy skin while managing fibromyalgia? You’re not alone! Many people with fibro experience unique skin sensitivities and discomfort that can make self-care daunting. But what’s the connection between fibromyalgia and your skin? In this article, we’ll explore the surprising links between fibromyalgia and skin issues, […]

Antidepressants and Fibromyalgia

Antidepressants and Fibromyalgia: Can They Make a Difference?

Fibromyalgia is one of the most poorly-understood medical conditions. Those with the condition often experience near-constant pain, mental fog, depression, and anxiety, and fibromyalgia often develops over time. Because this is a condition that is still being researched, doctors aren’t completely sure what causes it. However, according to the Mayo Clinic, […]

Basic Yoga Poses for Beginners

10 Yoga Poses Every Beginner Should Master

Yoga offers numerous physical and mental benefits for practitioners of all levels. From improved flexibility and strength to reduced stress and enhanced mindfulness, the ancient practice has much to offer modern seekers of wellness. Basic yoga poses provide an accessible entry point for beginners to start experiencing these benefits. By […]

Top 7 Vitamins You NEED for Fibromyalgia Relief

Top 7 Vitamins You NEED for Fibromyalgia Relief

Fibromyalgia is a condition currently affecting millions of people all over the globe. Characterized by chronic muscle pain, poor sleep, and unrelenting fatigue, scientists are currently baffled as to what actually causes the disorder. The disorder is found to be more common in women and while there is currently no […]

Can Magnetic Pulses Really Cure Fibromyalgia

Can Magnetic Pulses Really Cure Fibromyalgia?

Complex neural pulse is one of the newer fibromyalgia therapies that is gaining ground in the medical world. Complex neural pulse (CNP) is a noninvasive type of treatment that uses magnets to pulse electrical stimulus in the brain. This can help to change patterns and chemical balances. Fibromyalgia is now […]

Can TENS Therapy Really Help with Fibromyalgia

Can TENS Therapy Really Help with Fibromyalgia?

For a patient with fibromyalgia, all it takes is for slight pressure to be put on the painful area…and more pain will be felt. What’s worse is that this pain is located throughout the body, and additional symptoms include fatigue, stress, anxiety, difficulty thinking, cognitive impairment, and possible depression. Patients […]

Muscle Spasms & Fibromyalgia: What You Need to Know

Muscle Spasms & Fibromyalgia: What You Need to Know

The term ‘muscle spasm’ can sometimes be confused with other, similar terms. By definition, a muscle spasm is simply a sudden and painful contraction of muscles that can go on anywhere from two seconds to multiple minutes, and happens repeatedly (this is what differentiates muscle ‘spasm’ from muscle ‘spasms.’ Muscle spasm […]


Top Supplements for Fibromyalgia Pain: Natural Relief

The verdict on fibromyalgia remains undecided. This is basically because the condition is not well understood, and its exact cause unknown. There are, however, a number of doctors, researchers as well as people with fibromyalgia who believe that nutritional supplements should be an important part of symptom management. Having said […]


7 Style Mistakes That Instantly Add Years to Your Look

Regarding fashion, small choices can significantly impact a person’s appearance. Recognizing key style mistakes can help anyone look more youthful and vibrant. By avoiding a few common pitfalls, they can instantly enhance their look and feel more confident in their outfits. 1. Wearing Baggy Clothes Baggy clothes can seem comfortable, […]


7 Minimalist Fashion Hacks Every Woman Needs to Know for Effortless Style

Minimalist fashion is about simplifying choices while maximizing style. Women looking to enhance their wardrobes can benefit significantly from adopting practical strategies that promote versatility and ease. These seven minimalist fashion hacks will empower individuals to create a chic, functional wardrobe that effortlessly adapts to various occasions. 1. Embrace Neutral […]

Hydrotherapy for Fibromyalgia

Effects of Hydrotherapy on Fibromyalgia

The water is something that we are naturally drawn to for one reason or another. Because of this, we’ve been able to discover that there are a lot of ways that we can utilize water in order to help relieve and reduce pain and other symptoms related to fibromyalgia and […]

Natural Remedies For Lupus
Natural Remedies

Natural Ways to Manage Your Lupus

Lupus is a condition that shows up as an issue with the immune system. This issue results in an attack on healthy cells and tissue in the body, which can lead to damage to the joints, skin, heart, lungs, kidneys and even the brain. Lupus is more common in women […]

Natural Remedies For Joint Pain
Natural Remedies

Top 22 Natural Joint Pain Treatments

When it comes to joint pain, there are many natural remedies that will help to ease your pain. You don’t always have to rely upon heavy duty pain medications. There are many causes of joint pain and many people fail to recognize that they can do something about it all […]

Natural Remedies For Knee Pain
Natural Remedies

All Natural Remedies For Knee Pain

Many of us don’t give it a second thought about moving our legs over the side of the bed and standing up, however, for others who are suffering from joint pain and forms of arthritis and other conditions, their freedom of movement is limited. This can cause knee pain and […]

Grapefruit Cellulite Cream

Grapefruit Cellulite Cream

There are a lot of so called ‘miracle’ cures for cellulite out there. After all, it’s a very common problem, mainly amongst women but also amongst men. However, before you invest your time, money and effort in an anti-cellulite method, you’ll want to make sure that it actually works. Eat […]

Cellulite dry brushing

9 Morning Rituals To Get Rid Of Pesky Cellulite

The word cellulite is a fancy word to say that there is fat under the skin. Cellulite pushes against the connective tissues under your skin and makes it appear bumpy, hence the term ‘cottage cheese thighs’. If you’ve ever looked in the mirror after a shower and seen this, you’re […]

Flax Seed Tea and Cellulite

Flax Seed Tea and Cellulite

Cellulite is a very common problem, more often affecting women, but also affecting a large number of men. And no, it doesn’t just affect people who are bit overweight: skinny people can suffer from cellulite, too. This means that no one is safe from developing those unsightly dimples on their […]

how do you get rid of cellulite on thighs

Get Rid of the Cottage Cheese on Your Thighs?

Cellulite is not attractive; something that becomes patently self-evident when you dig out your bikini for that long awaited summer holiday and realize, to your horror, that your thighs and buttocks resemble cottage cheese. The summer is the time at which is becomes most obvious who is suffering from cellulite […]

cellulite cream reviews

5 Best Cellulite Creams That Work

Cellulite is that fatty dimpled area that you see on your thighs, abdomen, breasts, hips and sometimes other areas of your body. It’s a well-known fact that if your mom had cellulite, you’re very likely to have it as well. On average, one person in four will suffer from cellulite […]

Home DIY Cellulite Remedies

9 At Home DIY Cellulite Remedies

Cellulite, those cottage cheese like little bumps that you see on your hips and thighs and sometimes other areas of your body, are frustrating. There’s often no rhyme nor reason for their existence and you’re left feeling frustrated and embarrassed by their very existence. It doesn’t have to be that […]

struggling with cellulite

Summer’s ready and waiting; are you?

Summer is here! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and that skimpy little bathing suit is waiting for you. However, you might be slightly worried about showing off your figure, whether it is because you spent the winter months putting on a bit of extra weight (perfectly healthy […]


Cellulite Remedies That Work 2019

Cellulite is the direct result of excess fat deposits in the body. It appears as dimpled skin on areas like hips, thighs, buttocks, abdomen and legs. It is caused by the fat lying between the fibrous connective cords which get glued to the muscle underlying the skin. When fat cells […]

Best exercises to get rid thighs cellulite

Best Exercises to Get Rid Thighs Cellulite

The dreaded cellulite has negatively affected the lives of many around the world. As a result, there are a plethora of anti-cellulite products on the market all of which promise to help one reduce and get rid of cellulite completely. For more serious cases there are quite a few invasive […]

Fibromyalgia and Suicide

Fibromyalgia and Suicide

Getting diagnosed with fibromyalgia may be the first hurdle patients have to overcome, but it is not the last. According to a broad study of fibromyalgia sufferers in the United States and Denmark, individuals with fibromyalgia have a higher risk of suicide and depression as well. They compared these results […]


Is Fibromyalgia Turning You Into a Monster?

If you have fibromyalgia, you experience a lot of different symptoms that may range from mild and uncomfortable, to nagging and painful, to downright excruciating. Sometimes, you might even feel crazy, or not like your usual self, as if your personality is changing. Are you imagining this or is FM […]

best Cellulite treatments

Cellulite treatments that work 2019

There are many cellulite treatments that have been introduced over the years, some effective some not quite so. Things to note about most treatments are that they are expensive and complicated and not always 100% effective. Most work by temporarily reducing the appearance of cellulite. But there are some that […]

Top of Foot and Ankle Pain,
Foot Pain

What to do if you have Ankle Pain

There are numerous different kinds of foot injuries, but perhaps none that are more prevalent than an injury to the ankle. Most people may think that only athletes can injure their ankles from physical exercise and activity, but the reverse is largely true. Everyday people can suffer from injuries and […]

How to Ease Foot Pain
Foot Pain

The Solution for Foot Pain

The average person takes anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 words a day, putting over 1,000 pounds of force on your feet every twenty four hours. While our feet are usually used to it, we stand, walk, run and put them into shoes each and every day. A shocking eighty percent […]

diagnosing foot pain
Foot Pain

How to know what’s wrong with Your Foot

Maybe you’ve felt pain in your foot for your whole life, or maybe it’s just started now.  But regardless of how long you’ve been feeling pain in your foot, you’ve probably been wondering what could possibly be wrong with it. The human foot is actually much more complex than many […]

Cycling Foot Pain
Foot Pain

How Does Cycling Make Our Feet Hurt?

Cycling has always been among the most popular forms of transportation, all the way back for centuries. But whereas cycling was once a primary form of transportation, now it is only used for fun or recreation. Roughly a third of the American population today rides cycles for fun.  For some […]

random foot pain
Foot Pain

Natural Remedies for Random Foot Pain

As you may expect, there are a lot of things that you can do in order to reduce the pain in your feet. Don’t think that you have to immediately go to the doctor if you’re feeling random pain, however. There are a lot of things that you can do […]

Weight Loss

Quick Diets – Lose Your Pounds Fast

Being overweight is very common nowadays. The number of overweight people has increased a lot in these last few years and that is not a good thing. The world we live in is obsessed with food and it’s really hard to ignore that. Many of us who are overweight know […]


Best exercises to get rid butt cellulite

If you are suffering from cellulite then you are not alone. There are millions of women all over the world who share your fate, rather your condition. If you are wondering why so many women are afflicted by it and not men, well men do get cellulite but the percentage […]


Does losing weight get rid of cellulite?

It is quite common to hear cellulite being described as a couch. The fat lumpy deposits on your skin can actually act as extra cushions every time you sit or lie down. That being said, it does not mean that cellulite is comfortable or even wanted. After all, who wants […]


7 Effective Ways to Combat Male Stomach Cellulite

In general, men are lucky because the male hormone testosterone is more prone to burning calories than the female hormone estrogen which is prone to increase fat deposits in the body. That’s the reason why a majority of women all over the world are victims of cellulite while the percentage […]

Arms Cellulite Reduction Treatment

Arms Cellulite Reduction Treatment

In the last few years there have been increasingly large numbers of women complaining from the appearance of cellulite in their bodies. This is sort of like a disease that has spread so much that now it represents one of the biggest problems among women. Cellulite can affect in a […]


Fast and Permanent Reducing of Cellulite

Although cellulite is a condition that can affect almost everyone, us women are more exposed to it. This is mainly because we are born with the genetic predisposal for building cellulite. It can be due to genetics, that’s true, but there are also many other factors and lifestyle choices that […]

Reducing Cellulite with Laser Treatments

Reducing Cellulite with Laser Treatments

In today’s world and culture, the physical appearance seems to overrule the inner one. Although many people talk about the beauty being inside of you, nobody can deny the fact that the physical well-being of your body can sometimes be as important as the inside of you. The reason why […]

dry brushing for cellulite

Dry Brush Your Body Cellulite

Cellulite is the one most annoying and frustrating thing that most of us women have. It is the one question for which we can’t seem to find a correct answer. And we hate it so much, it is an obstacle for wearing the clothes we want, for feeling confident, for […]

Best Foods and Vitamins for Reducing Cellulite

Best Foods and Vitamins for Reducing Cellulite

Taking care and worrying about your orange peel skin every day can be exhausting and really irritating, especially if you don’t get results. As summer is on its way approaching, most of the women who suffer from cellulite start panicking and worrying about their dimpled skin. The shape of your […]

cellulite massage

All the Ways to Lose Cellulite

Cellulite is a girl’s worst enemy. Us girls are naturally born with a tendency to have cellulite. It is genetics as much as it is the plain facts that we are women. Cellulite happens when the fat that is stored in the cells deep underneath our skin pushes up the […]

VelaShape for cellulite

Reducing Cellulite with VelaShape

Sexy, thin and firm body, who wouldn’t want that? All our lives (especially us girls) we have been trying so hard, in every possible way to lose weight, tighten our bodies and get rid of that stupid cellulite. We have all tried millions and millions of diets that are so […]


Get Rid of Cellulite Using Velasmooth

Cellulite is one of nature’s biggest errors, especially in us women. We are unfortunately genetically predisposed to develop cellulite. And yes we hate it! The appearance of cellulite does not choose age, skin color or weight. Thin and slim people can develop cellulite as much as overweight people can. Weight […]


The Simple Use of Wellbox for Reducing Cellulite

Cellulite is a common problem, especially for girls. Being a woman has many advantages, but when it comes to cellulite unfortunately it’s our loss. Millions of women suffer from cellulite. In fact, most of us suffer from cellulite. Cellulite has nothing to do with weight, thin and slim people can […]

Most Common Causes for Cellulite

Most Common Causes for Cellulite

Cellulite is one of the biggest problems in women’s history. Women have been trying to find a way to solve this puzzle and find relief from it for many, many years. The cottage cheese or orange peel or whatever you call it is not a very attractive look for us […]

cellulite reducing exercises

Efficient Exercises for Reducing Cellulite

To be physically fit is important, but now as the summer season is approaching, is even more important. Your body that was covered in clothes and coats will now be exposed to all the public opinion and the eyes and comments of people around you. And you can’t possibly avoid […]


Amazing Oils for Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite is visible on almost every woman’s butt, thighs, and legs. It is one of those things that is so common and frequent, but still, no one knows how to get rid of it. Cellulite can affect almost everyone. It actually affects almost every woman. Being so common, there’s still no […]

How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Legs

Shed off Leg Cellulite

Cellulite has to be one of the worst things in women. And this is scary since most of the women are suffering from it. That orange-peel, bumpy and dimpled skin really does not look attractive. And cellulite does not choose if you are thin or fat. It can happen to […]

Coffee Natural Treatment for Cellulite

Natural Approach for Losing Cellulite

Reducing cellulite is a question on which no one can still find a proper answer. There have been many studies and researches conducted on the subject of cellulite and yet all we’ve got so far are assumptions and second-guesses. The fact that cellulite is a widely spread and really common problem for […]


The Rare Case of Cellulite in Men Explained

Defined in proper terms, cellulite is a condition that appears as a dimpled, orange peel-like skin and it happens when that fat that is stored in the cells presses the connective tissue upwards and that’s why the skin looks bumpy like that. In the minds of many people, the term […]

How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs

Smoothen Your Thighs and Get Rid of Cellulite

The appearance of cellulite is pretty bothering, especially when this hot summer season is approaching. Don’t let the thin shape of women in winter’s coats fool you, even they can have cellulite. The size of clothes you are wearing has nothing to do with whether you have cellulite or not. […]

breast cellulite removal

The Awkward Appearance of Cellulite in Breasts

Cellulite is a condition that is really familiar to many people, especially to us women. We are the group of people that are most affected by it. Cellulite can be defined differently, but let’s try to explain it in really simple words so that we can understand what happens better. […]

Knee Cellulite

Dealing with Knee Cellulite

Cellulite is a condition that never had and obviously never will have a definite answer. If you happen to be one of us who suffer from it, you have probably heard multiple different opinions and thoughts on this subject. And there is a good reason for this. Although the medicine […]

Knee Cellulite

Dealing with Knee Cellulite

Cellulite is a condition that never had and obviously never will have a definite answer. If you happen to be one of us who suffer from it, you have probably heard multiple different opinions and thoughts on this subject. And there is a good reason for this. Although the medicine […]

Weight Loss

Simple Steps to Be Better at Dieting

When you set a goal, you have to work really hard to succeed. Maybe you have accomplished with success most of your goals, but there is still that one that you can’t manage to complete. Dieting is a huge problem for most of us. A diet looks easy when you […]

reduce Cellulite Appearance

Heating to Reduce Cellulite Appearance

Regardless of age, weight, and gender, cellulite is a condition that can affect anyone, especially women. More than 90% of women all around the world suffer from cellulite. And more than half of those women do mind having it, so they constantly try to find different treatments, methods, and options to get […]

Running To Burn Fat
Weight Loss

Running To Burn Fat

For many it may seem as though you either love it or hate it, but there is great truth that running to burn fat is truly effective. It’s not easy for some people to get used to running as it can be an exhausting activity. Not only that but it […]


Best information about cellulite

What is cellulite? Cellulite is is a disease of the epidermis and cells within the epidermis. As opposed to impetigo, which is a very trivial epidermis disease, cellulite is is a disease that also includes the skins deeper-layers: the subcutaneous and skin cells. The key parasites causes of cellulite is are Staphylococcus […]

fruit smoothies
Weight Loss

Healthy Foods to Indulge in While Dieting

The word “diet” has come to embody a negative connotation synonymous with “restricting” or “starving”. This may be, in part, due to the fact that many fad diets are based on principles of cutting calories and restricting the consumption of certain foods. Just because you are dieting, however, doesn’t mean that you […]


Tighten the sagging skin after losing weight

Some people think it is difficult to imagine your skin as a flexible body organ that can expand and reduce at will, but that is exactly what it is. As you put on bodyweight, your skin extends and extends to be able to keep up with the growing extra fat. […]


Skin Care and Sunscreen

Winter season is arriving to an end, and family members are getting ready for summer, outdoor activities, and summer season vacation. The best aspect of ending winter season is that the sun stands out really brightly and our days last longer. It is just as essential to take care of […]


Skin Care and Sunscreen

Winter season is arriving to an end, and family members are getting ready for summer, outdoor activities, and summer season vacation. The best aspect of ending winter season is that the sun stands out really brightly and our days last longer. It is just as essential to take care of […]

Benefits of drinking bottled water
Weight Loss

Drinking lots of water to lose weight

Importance of drinking water to lose weight “Drink 8 glasses of water every day” is an indication that we have all heard, but one should ask that what are the actual benefits of drinking water to lose weight? Water hydrates your system and allows it perform effectively. Water boosts your […]

Benefits of drinking bottled water
Weight Loss

Drinking lots of water to lose weight

Importance of drinking water to lose weight “Drink 8 glasses of water every day” is an indication that we have all heard, but one should ask that what are the actual benefits of drinking water to lose weight? Water hydrates your system and allows it perform effectively. Water boosts your […]

healthy losing weight
Weight Loss

Easy Weight Loss Rules You Must Know

Losing weight is a concern for many individuals but, unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there. Countless individuals fall victim to fad diets which guarantee quick results and a lasting transformation. Sadly, these claims are often untrue, leaving people feeling defeated and hopeless about reaching their weight loss […]

Weight Loss

Easy ways to get lower abs

Having a healthy body and keeping in good shape is not an easy task. We all dream of having a figure we see on television or in magazines. However, as soon as we realize the effort we have to make in order to achieve it, we give up very easily. […]

tips to prevent overeating
Weight Loss

17 effective ways to gain control of overeating

Wouldn’t it be great if food wasn’t that tasty? That way, we wouldn’t have to fight away cravings and we would make no difference between eating broccoli and a slice of tasty pizza with cheese. Just like when we are ill and we don’t want to eat just because we can’t taste it. Well, […]

uild muscles
Weight Loss

19 effective ways to revive & speed up your metabolism

Nowadays, many people misinterpret the meaning of the word ‘metabolism’. Not always the reason for our weight loss or gain is our metabolism. Sometimes overweight people can have faster metabolisms than skinny people.Metabolism is the process that our body does to break down nutrients. Many of us do not understand […]

Green vegetables
Weight Loss

Eat to Lose Belly Fat

Getting rid of belly fat can be a really hard work. Even people who are perfectly fit, still find it hard to lose belly fat. Flat belly has always been a symbol for fitness and sexiness, but even the most physically active people struggle a lot to achieve that. Belly […]

aerobics class
Weight Loss

Cardio Fat Burning

If you are looking to change your body forever and get rid of the excess weight, then it’s really all about the cardio fat burning. There are so many diet plans, fads, and trends out there that promise you will lose weight—what they don’t take into consideration though is how […]

aerobics class
Weight Loss

Cardio Fat Burning

If you are looking to change your body forever and get rid of the excess weight, then it’s really all about the cardio fat burning. There are so many diet plans, fads, and trends out there that promise you will lose weight—what they don’t take into consideration though is how […]

Healthy Living Pyramid
Healthy Living

Healthy Living Pyramid

Group training is one of the most important activities that people from all over the world use to lose weight and maintain their bodies’ fitness. Many health problems can be avoided through group training such as heart diseases and other health complications. Group training is more advantages than the individual […]

How to Lose Weight in a Week
Weight Loss

How to Lose Weight in a Week?

  People often ask us – is it really possible to lose weight in a week? We say – yes, indeed. You can lose weight in a week with a little caution and sensible eating. One of my friends went to a dietician and asked if she could really get […]

tips for boosting weight loss
Weight Loss

10 Tips For Boosting Weight Loss

Taking metabolism rates to higher levels is one of the most effective ways of weight loss. This simply means that the body burns calories within a short time. Sluggish metabolism on the other hand means gaining weight since the body is taking more than what it needs. There are a […]

lose belly fat men
Weight Loss

Learn How to Lose Belly Fat for Men

Women aren’t the only ones who want to try to lose belly fat, yet all the information out there tends to be geared specifically toward women. If you want to shed those extra layers of belly fat to reveal the glorious six-pack beneath, then you will want to read on and learn […]

Healthy living habits
Healthy Living

Healthy living habits

Nowadays, people are concerned about their body weight and health in general. This is because there are very many diseases that are caused by the types of foods we eat daily. The rules you must follow for proper nutrition are quite demanding since every human being has his/her own desires. […]

Do Exercises
Weight Loss

How to lose Water Weight?

Trying hard to fit in your old dress? If you have got too much flab, you may like to reduce some of it. Trying for the last couple of months? Any luck? No? Then you are not doing everything in a right manner. Did you try to find out the […]

How to Lose Thigh Fat
Weight Loss

How to Lose Thigh Fat?

A woman’s body gain weight following a very specific pattern. For example, if we observe the body of an overweight woman, we will see that the body develops extra fat especially on some certain parts. Body parts like thighs, hip, lower abdomen and pelvis area are at greater risk.  Fat […]

Foods that make you Lose Weight
Weight Loss

Foods that make you Lose Weight

There are mainly two things that can help you lose weight – nutrition and exercise. It does not matter what other efforts you are putting in, these two factors are the only thing that will help you get what you want. Your body does need nutrition to fight the survival […]

Burn Belly Fat Fast
Weight Loss

Is It a Myth to Burn Belly Fat Fast

It is certainly possible to burn belly fat fast, but I can guarantee one thing: it will not be easy. There are no magic solutions or miracle workouts that will easily and instantly get rid of your belly fat. The best way to burn your belly fat faster is to […]

Blueprint for healthy living
Healthy Living

Blueprint for healthy living

In the world we are living in everyone wants a healthy living, however with the king of rushing and vitality involved in our daily living orchestrating a healthy eating plan is a next to impossible job. For one to have a perfect blueprint on dietary there are some elements that […]

Weight Loss

Best Cardio Workout To Burn Fat

Probably one of the most common questions that comes up as people want to transform their body is what the best cardio workout is to burn fat. The reality is that there are several workouts that can be of help, but the key to success in burning fat and changing […]

Easy Ways to Lose Fat
Weight Loss

8 Easy Ways to Lose Fat

Our modern sedentary lifestyle is at the core of the problem of obesity. Why not bring some changes to our lives so we don’t have to suffer from this social epidemic anymore? You know, there was a time when people never had these type of severe health problems. At present, […]

sleep to lose weight
Weight Loss

How to Lose Weight Fast

All of us dream about losing weight fast. Is it really that much easier?  Losing weight is possible; but, losing weight in an incredibly short period of time is tough. You have to work very hard and continue your efforts without any break. Giving your efforts a right direction is […]

lose weight
Weight Loss

Discovering The Best Way To Lose Weight

Want to lose weight in a hurry? If so, you aren’t alone. Many people are often on the hunt for the best way to lose weight and are feeling overwhelmed with the process. As you go about trying to find the best way to lose weight, chances are you are going to […]

Weight Loss

Losing Weight While Pregnant

First of all, congratulations for this great new beginning of your life. You are carrying a bundle of joy. However, you look a bit worried about your increasing pregnancy weight. Friend, gaining weight during pregnancy is normal. In fact, weight gain during pregnancy is a good symptom. It assures that […]

unhealthy habit
Weight Loss

Tips and tricks for a healthy weight loss

In today’s world where our streets are full of fast food restaurants and where the emphasis is put more on the quantity than the quality of food, it has become extremely hard to lead a healthy life. The society is developing very fast and it has come to those extremes […]

healthy living
Healthy Living

No one is richer than healthier

One of the most famous quotes about health, I’ve ever heard is, “He who has good health, has everything. He, who does not, has nothing.” Wow… What a though it is… The moment we read it, it captures our mind. The importance of health is magnified many folds and is presented in […]

Drinking Water to lose Weight
Weight Loss

Drinking Water to lose Weight

Can water really reduce your weight? People often suggest drinking water to lose weight. In fact, we have heard this since our childhood. We do follow the guidance and the beliefs passed on to us by the elders. However, the real reasons behind this whole excitements stay undisclosed. Ever wonder […]

Drinking Water to lose Weight
Weight Loss

Drinking Water to lose Weight

Can water really reduce your weight? People often suggest drinking water to lose weight. In fact, we have heard this since our childhood. We do follow the guidance and the beliefs passed on to us by the elders. However, the real reasons behind this whole excitements stay undisclosed. Ever wonder […]

Best Things to Eat After a Workout
Healthy Living

Best Things to Eat After a Workout

Whether you are working out to lose weight or simply to stay in shape, what you eat before, during and after your workout is very important. Before you work out it is a good idea to fuel your body with carbohydrates as a quick source of energy. During exercise, hydration […]

Magnesium for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia Pain Relief: How Magnesium Can Help You Feel Better

Fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition, affects millions worldwide. Recent research has shed light on the potential benefits of magnesium in managing its symptoms. Magnesium supplementation may help alleviate pain, fatigue, and cognitive issues associated with fibromyalgia. This essential mineral is crucial in various bodily functions, including nerve transmission and muscle […]

Fibromyalgia Blood Test

Fibromyalgia Blood Test: Insights into the FM/a Test

Fibromyalgia, a chronic condition characterized by widespread pain and fatigue, has long posed diagnostic challenges for healthcare providers. Recent developments have introduced the FM/a Test, a blood test designed to aid in fibromyalgia diagnosis. This cytokine assay measures immune cell activity, potentially distinguishing fibromyalgia from other conditions. While traditional diagnosis […]

5 Lazy Ways to Lose Weight

5 Lazy Ways to Lose Weight – No Gym Required

Losing weight doesn’t always require intense gym sessions or strict diets. Many people are seeking simpler, less demanding methods to shed pounds. There are effective ways to lose weight that require minimal effort and can be easily incorporated into daily routines. These lazy weight loss strategies focus on small lifestyle […]

7 Tips for a Stunning Eyeshadow Look

7 Secrets to Stunning Eyeshadow Looks You Need to Know

Eyeshadow can transform a look from ordinary to extraordinary. With the right techniques and products, anyone can create stunning eye makeup that enhances their natural beauty and expresses their personal style. Mastering eyeshadow application opens up a world of creative possibilities for makeup enthusiasts. From subtle daytime looks to bold […]

7 Romantic Date Night Makeup Styles to Leave Him Speechless

7 Romantic Date Night Makeup Styles to Leave Him Speechless

Date night provides the perfect opportunity to elevate your makeup game and create a memorable impression. A well-crafted look can enhance your natural beauty and boost your confidence for a special evening out. The right makeup style can make you feel alluring and captivate your partner’s attention. From sultry smoky […]

Suspenders Outfit for Women 2024

7 Suspenders Outfit for Women 2024: How to Style and Wear Them

Suspenders have transformed from a practical necessity to a stylish accessory, making a comeback in women’s fashion for 2024. Originally designed to hold up trousers, they now add sophistication to any outfit. When choosing suspenders, consider the material—leather, cotton, or elastic—for comfort and durability. Size is key, with different lengths […]

Internal Tremors & Fibromyalgia

Internal Tremors & Fibromyalgia: What You Need to Know Now

Fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition, can cause unexpected symptoms like internal tremors. These tremors, often described as vibrations inside the body, may be related to nervous system dysfunction. While not experienced by all fibromyalgia patients, internal tremors can be distressing and impact daily activities. Understanding the connection between fibromyalgia and […]

7 Simple Nighttime Habits for Glowing Skin by Morning

7 Simple Nighttime Habits for Glowing Skin by Morning

Achieving radiant skin doesn’t have to be complicated. A simple nighttime routine can work wonders for your complexion while you sleep. By incorporating a few easy habits before bed, you can wake up with a healthy, glowing appearance. These evening rituals focus on cleansing, hydrating, and nourishing the skin. They […]

Fibromyalgia Odor

Say Goodbye to Fibromyalgia Odor: Proven Hygiene Hacks

Fibromyalgia flares can be disruptive and uncomfortable, often accompanied by an unpleasant odor known as “flare stank.” Understanding triggers and implementing preventive measures are key to managing this condition. Identifying personal triggers and maintaining good hygiene practices can significantly reduce the occurrence of flare stank. Regular bathing, using gentle, fragrance-free […]

Fibro Pain or IBS How to Tell the Difference

Fibromyalgia & IBS: 10 Symptoms You Can’t Ignore

Fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are chronic conditions that often occur together. These disorders share several overlapping symptoms that can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. Understanding the connection between fibromyalgia and IBS can help individuals better manage their symptoms and seek appropriate treatment. Recognizing the signs and […]

DIY Remedies to Cure Swimmer's Ear

7 Secret DIY Remedies to Cure Swimmer’s Ear FAST

Swimmer’s ear can be an uncomfortable and annoying condition, often caused by trapped water that leads to bacterial growth in the ear. This article explores seven effective DIY remedies to help manage and prevent swimmer’s ear using simple, easily accessible ingredients. For those looking for natural and convenient solutions, homemade […]

Cervical Dystonia and Fibromyalgia

7 Must-Know Differences Between Cervical Dystonia and Fibromyalgia

Cervical dystonia and fibromyalgia are distinct medical conditions that can cause discomfort and pain. While they share some similarities, understanding their key differences is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment. Cervical dystonia affects the neck muscles, causing involuntary movements and abnormal postures, while fibromyalgia involves widespread pain throughout the body. […]

Why Temperature Sensitivity Makes Fibromyalgia Worse

Why Temperature Sensitivity Makes Fibromyalgia Worse

Fibromyalgia affects millions, causing widespread pain and various symptoms. One common yet often overlooked issue is temperature sensitivity. People with fibromyalgia may experience heightened reactions to both heat and cold, with a lower pain threshold for temperature stimuli. This sensitivity can significantly impact daily life, making it challenging to adapt […]

Low Carb Chicken Recipes for Diabetics

10 Must-Try Low Carb Chicken Recipes for Diabetics

Chicken is a versatile and popular protein choice for diabetics. It’s lean and nutritious and can be prepared in numerous low-carb ways to help manage blood sugar levels. Low-carb chicken recipes offer delicious options for diabetics to enjoy flavorful meals while maintaining a healthy diet. These recipes often incorporate vegetables, […]

7 Expert Tips to Slash Fibromyalgia Medical Expenses

7 Expert Tips to Slash Fibromyalgia Medical Expenses

Managing the medical costs associated with fibromyalgia can be challenging, especially with ongoing treatments and medications. These seven money-saving hacks offer practical ways to minimize expenses while ensuring proper care. By implementing these strategies, individuals with fibromyalgia can find financial relief and focus more on their health. 1. Price-Matching Programs […]

Benefits of Cannabis for Fibromyalgia Sufferers

5 Amazing Benefits of Cannabis for Fibromyalgia Sufferers: Natural Relief for Chronic Pain

Fibromyalgia causes widespread pain, fatigue, and other debilitating symptoms. Many sufferers struggle to find effective relief through conventional treatments. Cannabis has emerged as a potential alternative for managing fibromyalgia symptoms. Research suggests cannabis may offer several benefits for those with fibromyalgia, including pain reduction, improved sleep, and mood enhancement. While […]

Questions for Your Doctor About Fibromyalgia

7 Must-Ask Questions for Your Doctor About Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a complex and often misunderstood condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Patients face numerous challenges, from chronic pain to fatigue, and may struggle to find the right information and support. Asking the right questions during medical consultations can significantly improve understanding and management of fibromyalgia. Patients with […]

Beat FibroFog

Beat FibroFog: 9 Genius Hacks for Crystal Clear Thinking

Fibromyalgia can bring a variety of challenges, among which cognitive symptoms known as “fibro fog” stand out. These issues often include memory lapses, difficulty concentrating, and mental fatigue. Understanding and effectively managing these cognitive symptoms is essential for improving quality of life. While there is no single cure for fibrofog, […]

7 Medical Professionals to Include in Your Fibromyalgia Care Team

7 Medical Professionals to Include in Your Fibromyalgia Care Team for Optimal Health

Finding the right medical professionals is crucial for effective fibromyalgia management. Fibromyalgia affects various aspects of daily life, requiring a coordinated approach to care. A comprehensive care team can provide specialized treatments, medication management, and supportive therapies. Collaborating with the right specialists ensures that all facets of the condition are […]

9 Quick Weight Loss Hacks to Melt Fat Fast
Weight Loss

9 Quick Weight Loss Hacks to Melt Fat Fast!

Losing weight quickly is a common goal for many individuals looking to improve their health and appearance. While there are various approaches to shedding pounds, not all methods are safe or sustainable. This article explores effective and scientifically backed strategies for swiftly dropping fat. Understanding the fastest ways to lose […]

Midsize Fall Outfits for Women 2024

7 Must-Have Midsize Fall Outfits for Women 2024

Fall is just around the corner, and it’s time to start thinking about updating your wardrobe with some fresh and stylish pieces. This article will discuss midsize fall outfits for women in 2024. Whether you’re looking for cozy sweaters, chic jackets, or versatile dresses, we’ve got you covered. When it […]

Top 7 Sexiest Lingerie Sets Every Woman

Top 7 Sexiest Lingerie Sets Every Woman Needs in 2024

Lingerie is essential to every woman’s wardrobe, and choosing the right one can make her feel confident and sexy. The right lingerie can enhance a woman’s curves and make her feel comfortable and desirable. With so many options in the market, finding the perfect lingerie can be daunting. In this […]

Home Remedies for Wasp Stings

10 Home Remedies for Wasp Stings: Effective Relief Tips

Home remedies for wasp stings are a practical solution to alleviate discomfort and promote healing. Wasp stings can cause pain, swelling, and redness, but with the right approach, these symptoms can often be managed effectively using items commonly found at home. Understanding how to treat wasp stings promptly can prevent […]

Zero Carb Foods

10 Zero Carb Foods: Ultimate Guide to Keto-Friendly Eating

Exploring zero-carb foods can be a practical option for those looking to maintain ketosis or reduce carbohydrate intake. Understanding which foods have zero or almost zero net carbs can help individuals make better dietary choices. These diverse options span various categories, including meats, seafood, fats, oils, and more. This article […]

Mosquito Bites Remedies

10 Mosquito Bites Remedies: Effective Solutions for Quick Relief

Mosquito bites are a common nuisance, especially during warmer months or in tropical climates. These bites often result in unpleasant symptoms such as itching, swelling, and discomfort, prompting many to seek effective remedies. Understanding the various methods to alleviate the irritation from mosquito bites can significantly improve comfort and quality […]

Fibromyalgia and Endometriosis

Fibromyalgia and Endometriosis: Understanding the Link

Fibromyalgia and endometriosis are two long-lasting health issues that can hurt and bother people who have them.  Fibromyalgia makes your whole body ache because it’s a problem with your nerves. Endometriosis happens when the lining of your uterus grows where it shouldn’t, which also causes pain and other troubles.  It […]

Unusual Signs of Fibromyalgia

13 Unusual Signs of Fibromyalgia: Symptoms Beyond Pain

Fibromyalgia is a disorder that causes widespread pain, sensitivity, and chronic fatigue. While the most common symptoms of fibromyalgia include musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, memory challenges, and sleep issues, it can also lead to unusual and unexpected symptoms in some people. Here are some of the less common symptoms of fibromyalgia […]

tramadol for fibromyalgia

Tramadol for Fibromyalgia: Safe Pain Relief?

Managing fibromyalgia pain can be a challenging endeavor. Individuals with fibromyalgia often experience widespread musculoskeletal pain along with other symptoms like fatigue, sleep disturbances, and cognitive issues. In the quest for safe and effective treatment options, tramadol has emerged as a potential pain relief medication for fibromyalgia. Tramadol is a […]

Can Fibromyalgia Cause Diabetes

Can Fibromyalgia Cause Diabetes? Uncover the Truth

Unlocking a potential link between fibromyalgia and diabetes, recent research reveals game-changing findings. People with fibromyalgia show higher hemoglobin A1c levels, a marker for average blood sugar, suggesting a connection with diabetes. What does this mean for those with fibromyalgia? Could it lead to diabetes? Join us as we explore […]

Can Fibromyalgia Cause Bladder Problems

Can Fibromyalgia Cause Bladder Problems? Let’s Explore

Having lived with fibromyalgia for several years, I comprehend the profound influence this condition can exert on various facets of one’s life. One less talked about area of impact is bladder function. Over the years, I have come across many individuals with fibromyalgia who also experience bladder problems. This led me to research the […]

Can Fibromyalgia Cause Neuropathy

Can Fibromyalgia Cause Neuropathy: Understanding the Connection

Fibromyalgia, a chronic pain disorder, causes widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbances in millions worldwide. Furthermore, fibromyalgia can coincide with nerve problems, specifically neuropathy, resulting in pain, numbness, and weakness across different body parts. Understanding nerve problems and their common symptoms is crucial in identifying the potential link between […]

Can Fibromyalgia Cause High Blood Pressure

Can Fibromyalgia Cause High Blood Pressure? Is There a Connection You Need to Know About?

Fibromyalgia is a long-lasting disorder that impacts the musculoskeletal system, leading to widespread pain and sensitivity throughout the body.  Conversely, high blood pressure is a prevalent condition characterized by excessive blood force against the arterial walls. Although these two conditions might appear unrelated initially, recent studies have indicated a potential […]


Fibromyalgia and Back Pain: The Unseen Battle

Are you experiencing frequent back pain without any obvious reason? If you’ve received a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, you probably know that back pain is a prevalent symptom of this long-term health condition. But managing fibromyalgia back pain can be challenging, requiring a multifaceted approach that includes exercise, massage therapy, and […]

Foods to Avoid with Fibromyalgia

Top 13 Foods to Avoid if You Suffer from Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain that affects an estimated 10 million people in the United States alone.  Fibromyalgia symptoms are widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized body areas. People with fibromyalgia often experience other symptoms, including sleep disturbances, headaches, cognitive difficulties, and mood disorders such as anxiety and […]

fibromyalgia misdiagnosis

Fighting Misinformation – Letia’s Story

Recently, expanded our community by creating a Facebook group. The group has one simple focus: make everyone welcome to share their story, confide in Fibro Warriors who understand exactly how they feel, and never again be afraid to express their true feelings. Fibromyalgia is a lonely ailment. It is […]

fibromyalgia doctor

9 proven ways to crush your fibromyalgia flare-ups

Fibromyalgia is an odd bird. It’s not like bronchitis or strep throat, where definite symptoms point to one possible diagnosis – no guessing, no errors. But fibromyalgia is also not like migraines or depression, where the diagnosis relies mostly on the patient’s account of internal symptoms. Nope. That would be […]

Diet Modification for fibromyalgia

Living and Learning with Fibromyalgia

“Improvidus , apto, quod victum.” Improvise, adapt, overcome. I’ll bet that when you were diagnosed with fibromyalgia, you didn’t expect you would be living according to the unofficial motto of the US Marine Corp. But before too long, you will be, because you must if you want to enjoy your […]

Invisible Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

The 29 + 1 Invisible Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

“I’m sorry? What do you have? Fibromyalgia? Isn’t that a made-up thing? You sure don’t look sick.” How many times have we, as fibromyalgia sufferers, had to justify that our ailment is real! Oftentimes, when you tell someone you are sick, they give you the quick once over and retort […]

Early Signs Of Fibromyalgia

6 Early Signs Of Fibromyalgia

An Introduction to Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by musculoskeletal pain with other symptoms, including mood swings, memory loss, fatigue and lethargy, and insomnia. Fibromyalgia is the second most common condition which affects our bones and muscles. This disease is often misdiagnosed and even misunderstood. The most common symptom of […]

Weight Loss

Discover How Yoga Can Melt Away Body Fat

Losing weight has always been a big-time problem. Have to agree with you that gaining weight seems much easier than losing it. It seems women put on weight so easily. Above all, we don’t have much time nowadays to bring some significant changes to our condition. Believe it or not, […]

lose weight fast
Weight Loss

10 Best Ways to Lose Weight

Thinking of losing weight fast? Friend, the basic problem with most of us that we think a lot; but actually do very less. You have plenty of options that can actually make your life cool. There was a time when we had very little awareness of the human body. We […]

Why I am not Losing Weight?
Weight Loss

Why I am not Losing Weight?

Trying hard for the last couple of months and still not able to shed a single pound? That’s really monotonous, is not it? Why do you have to be in such a condition? There is definitely something wrong. You are either ignoring something or making some mistakes that are ruining […]

Breast Augmentation

How to Make Your Boobs Grow Faster

You live in a world where you are permanently surrounded by specific beauty standards. While appearance should never be more important than what is on the “inside” of a person, and it should never be more important than health, the truth is that how you look can influence you in […]

Sleep Disorders

Insomnia: When the Sandman Refuses to Come By

Insomnia is a very common sleep disorder characterized by being unable to fall asleep, unable to stay asleep or a combination of both. Individuals with insomnia will either have extremely poor-quality sleep or not even get enough at all. As a result, they don’t feel refreshed when they wake. This […]

high cholesterol foods
Healthy Living

13 Shocking Foods to Avoid for High Cholesterol!

High cholesterol is one of the world’s biggest problems. Every year, millions of people die because of high cholesterol in their blood. People who are victims of high cholesterol can control their cholesterol by changing their diet habits. However, many men and women are puzzled about what high-cholesterol foods they […]

symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea
Sleep Disorders

4 Real Symptoms Of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Knowing the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea can change your life! This condition is very hard to diagnose. The usual symptoms take place when you’re fast asleep, and those that you do notice are often mistaken for other problems. When you are aware of the condition of sleep apnea, the […]

Fibromyalgia and Depression

Why Depression Is Common With Fibromyalgia?

Numerous studies join Fibromyalgia and depression. Indeed, individuals with Fibromyalgia are up to three times more prone to have depression at the season of their analysis than somebody without Fibromyalgia. A few scientists feel that depression prompts changes in brain chemistry. Others look at variations from the norm of the […]

Fibromyalgia and Fibro Fog

Beat the Brain Fog! Tips to Conquer Fibro Fog & Fibromyalgia

The issues fibromyalgia patients regularly encounter are fleeting memory and intellectual brokenness/ cognitive dysfunction called “fibro fog.” The foggy feeling inside the psyche(mind) is sufficient to bring about nervousness alone, increasing associated difficulties. Moreover, the term “Fibro fig” has been authored by fibromyalgia patients and some treating doctors to depict […]

Fibromyalgia and Slow Digestion With Constipation

Fibromyalgia and Slow Digestion With Constipation

Fibromyalgia, an incessant issue described by musculoskeletal torment, weakness, and rest unsettling influences, has been connected with immune system maladies, certain psychiatric issue, migraine, and bad-tempered entrails disorder (IBS). Your symptoms appear to fit best with a diagnosis of IBS; up to 50 percent of patients with fibromyalgia moderate absorption […]

Fibromyalgia and Widespread Pain

Fibromyalgia and Widespread Pain

Chronic pain is characterized by pain continuing for over 3 months and is a noteworthy general wellbeing issue. It can influence any part of the body and regularly the exact cause is obscure. Interminable pain is normal, influencing around one in five. Generally, individuals figure out how to live well […]

signs and symptoms of lupus
Diseases & Conditions

Lupus: A Misunderstood Diagnosis

If you have been handed a diagnosis of lupus, chances are that you have lots of questions. Sadly, this disease is not a simple one with simple answers. Unfortunately, you can’t just take medication and make it all disappear. Since this disease doesn’t really have any clear-cut signs and symptoms […]

Pain Under Foot Near Toes
Foot Pain

Why Do My Toes Hurt?

Foot pain affects a lot of different people, but the toe pain is one of the most common forms of foot pain that affects people. Many people don’t suffer from the toe pain continuously, but instead only do from time to time. First of all, the human foot is actually more complex […]

nerve pain on top of foot
Foot Pain

Feeling Nervous Over Nerve Problems

Take a guess at how many steps you take a day? Seriously, just guess. You may be shocked in finding out that the typical person takes anywhere between five thousand to ten thousand steps every day. So obviously, our feet are definitely subject to stress, which is mostly put upon […]

Types of Foot Pain
Foot Pain

Say Goodbye to Foot Pain! Discover the Secrets Now!

The foot is an extremely complex part of the body. The foot comprises one hundred and twenty fixed muscles, nerves and ligaments, twenty-six bones, and thirty-three joints. However, foot pain is a major problem today, even though very few people are born with problems that would cause them to feel […]

Foot Pain

Causes of Foot Pain While Running

So, you’re someone that likes to run, and you like to run a lot. That’s great, except your running is causing you to be in a lot of pain. Why would you have foot pain while running? What causes the foot pain and, most importantly, how can you make it […]

How to Manage Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis

How to Manage Rheumatoid Arthritis

How do people manage something that can be as debilitating as rheumatoid arthritis? There is no cure for it and there doesn’t seem to be any single solution that will help in and of itself. When you do the reading and researching about the various common medications prescribed for rheumatoid […]

Cope Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis

A New Life – Coping With RA

Rheumatoid arthritis (or RA, as it is sometimes shortened) is a disease that is as common as it is mysterious. Millions of people from all over the world suffer from this auto-immune disease and they still do not know what is it that caused it exactly. As a matter of fact, […]

Men and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Men and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Women are not the only persons in danger of developing rheumatoid arthritis: men are more commonly being diagnosed with the condition, too. This painful condition affects the joints in the body, causing flare-ups which can be debilitating. Scientists are unsure of the exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis, however there are […]

define sciatica

Get Rid of Your Sciatica Once and For All

Sciatica is the pain that radiates along your sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the one branching from your lower back, through your hips and butt and then down each of your legs. In most cases, the condition of sciatica will only affect one side of your body. Most often, […]

sciatic nerve foot pain
Foot Pain

Sciatic Nerve Pain: Why and How?

Sciatica is the condition of feeling symptoms, including pain, which is the result of the pressure or irritation of nerve roots on sciatic nerves. There are many different symptoms for sciatic nerve pain, but most of the pain can be felt in the lower back, buttocks, and legs and feet. […]

medication for hypersomnia
Sleep Disorders

What Medication for Hypersomnia is available?

If you have been diagnosed with hypersomnia you may be wondering what treatments are available and what medication for hypersomnia is available too. Unfortunately, there is no specific medication developed for this disorder, but there are several existing medications that have proven to help some people manage or control their […]


Best Information About Cellulite

What is cellulite? Cellulite is is a disease of the epidermis and cells of the epidermis. As opposed to impetigo, which is a very trivial epidermis disease, cellulite is a disease that also includes the skins deeper-layers: the subcutaneous and skin cells. The key parasites cause cellulite is are Staphylococcus and Streptococcus (staph), […]

sagging breast
Breast Augmentation

Sagging Breast – Causes & Solutions

Significance of breasts The breast is among the most intimately revealing areas of a girl’s body system. Most girls try to keep their breasts looking as strong, full and catchy as possible. No one wants to have sagging breast. So what are the choices to keep your breast looking as excellent […]

define sleep apnea
Sleep Disorders

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep with Apnea

This is a very common sleep disorder in which the individual has one- or multiple- pauses in their breathing, or even breathes shallowly when sleeping. These pauses in breathing can last anywhere from just a few seconds to a few minutes. They can occur thirty or more times within one […]

How Gluten Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis

How Gluten Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis

Eating foods that contain gluten can lead to the development of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease that is characterized by pain and inflammation in the joints. Intolerance to gluten can lead to the small intestine being damaged whenever gluten is present. Gluten is a protein that can […]

idiopathic hypersomnia
Sleep Disorders

What does idiopathic hypersomnia mean?

Everyone loves having the time to take a nap, so it can be hard to imagine what would be so bad about having a condition like idiopathic hypersomnia and napping a lot. Unfortunately, idiopathic hypersomnia is a very disruptive condition. The good news is it is very rare. People who […]

Central Sleep Apnea Causes
Sleep Disorders

Central Sleep Apnea Causes

If you have been diagnosed with central sleep apnea you may be wondering what caused it to develop. There are many different central sleep apnea causes and it is rare that just one is the isolated cause. This type of apnea tends to mostly affect men over 40 who are […]

10 Ways to Show Love to Someone with Depression

10 Ways to Show Love to Someone with Depression

Your loved one is really struggling with depression, which may make you feel frustrated, confused, and distress yourself. Perhaps you may feel as if you are walking on eggshells since you are afraid of offending them even more. Maybe you keep offering your pieces of advice, which they are not […]

Best Diet for Diabetes

The Best Diet for Diabetes

Diabetes is not an unheard disease these days. With highly imbalanced food habits and lack of attention towards increasing body weight, the problem of diabetes is affecting most of the people above 40’s these days. Due to over pressure of work and to stand affirm in this highly competitive world […]

Reducing Cellulite with Laser Treatments
Sleep Disorders

How to avoid developing hypersomnia depression

If you have hypersomnia, or know someone that does, then you should be aware that very often a form of hypersomnia depression will also develop. The hypersomnia is devastating enough to someone’s life, adding in depression can make it almost unbearable. Fortunately, it is a recognized risk with the disorder […]

11 Things You Should Not Do During a Depressive Episode

11 Things You Should Not Do During a Depressive Episode

About Depression Depression can be likened to a repetitive sense of hopelessness, self-loathing, and emotional turmoil that disrupts one’s state of life. Just as many behavior patterns can conjure feelings of depression, this illness can also give rise to noticeable behavior patterns that further extend the issue. Recovering from depression […]

closer look in diabetes

Diabetes – Here is a closer look at the Disease

Wе’vе аll heard аbоut dіаbеtеѕ and may еvеn knоw ѕоmеоnе suffering from іt. It іѕ реrhарѕ оnе оf thе more common diseases known as tо mаnу. Dіаbеtеѕ іѕ a dіѕеаѕе whеrе thе bоdу fаіlѕ tо rеgulаtе thе quantity оf ѕugаr оr gluсоѕе іn the blооd. Thе раnсrеаѕ is thе humаn […]

Copper Deficiency Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Copper Deficiency & Rheumatoid Arthritis

Could a copper deficiency cause rheumatoid arthritis? A lack of this trace element in the bloodstream could very well be responsible for this condition. Copper is essential for the proper functioning of the metabolic process, and without enough the body greatly suffers. What is Copper? Copper is  a trace mineral […]

Anti-inflammatory Endo Smoothie
Diseases & Conditions

The Potent Endometriosis Smoothies

Lately, smoothies are in endless varieties and forms. However, to accurately ascertain what combination of ingredients produces best results remain an enigma. There is an assorted combination of nuts and seeds, fruits and vegetables to superfoods and powders, just to mention a few. Nevertheless, what you intend to achieve with […]

Pain in Bridge of Foot
Foot Pain

The Bridge of Foot Pain

Foot pain is something that many people have to endure. There are many different types of foot pain as well as many different causes of them, but one of the more prevalent types of foot pain is the pain in the bridge, or the arch, of the foot. Causes There are […]

Central Sleep Apnea in Children
Sleep Disorders

Central Sleep Apnea in Children

If your child is a restless sleeper or stops breathing while sleeping for noticeable periods, they may have central sleep apnea. Central sleep apnea in children was once thought to be harmless and treated as a phase to be outgrown; new studies have shown that the impact of central sleep […]

foot pain after sleeping
Foot Pain

Do Your Feet Hurt While You Sleep Too?

Yes, they do.  In fact, the time of day that people most complain about their feet is after they wake up. Maybe this is just because they’ve been having pain in their feet for a while, and when they wake up they aren’t used to it after the previous day. […]

9 Depressingly Telling Signs It's a Bad Date

9 Depressingly Telling Signs It’s a Bad Date

Good Dates And Bad Dates The hallmark of a stellar date is one that sparks physical and mental chemistry galore.Unfortunately, most people have struggled through an insufferable date that left them baffled, and creeped out. Your dating experiences with a particular individual may portend your future potential with that person. […]

9 Depressingly Telling Signs It's a Bad Date

9 Depressingly Telling Signs It’s a Bad Date

Good Dates And Bad Dates The hallmark of a stellar date is one that sparks physical and mental chemistry galore.Unfortunately, most people have struggled through an insufferable date that left them baffled, and creeped out. Your dating experiences with a particular individual may portend your future potential with that person. […]

foot pain after sitting
Foot Pain

Why Do My Feet Hurt After Sitting?

Are you one of many Americans who work at a job that involves sitting at a desk all day? Are you someone that doesn’t do a lot of physical activity on a regular basis? If this is you, then you’re in the majority of Americans nowadays. Physical activity is definitely not […]

throbbing pain in foot
Foot Pain

Why You Might Experience Throbbing Pain In Your Foot

Foot pain arises from various circumstances. The most unmistakable circumstances involve injury. You could be walking around, and then accidentally stub your foot against a hard surface. Some people step on hard or sharp objects or cut their feet when handing them, which leads to inflammation and healing wounds that […]

9 Celebrities with Depression and How They Cope

9 Celebrities with Depression and How They Cope

Depression can affect anybody. It affects the rich, the poor, the young, the sick, the healthy, the old, and more. It does not discriminate, and whereas some people can be more prone to depression than others, the actual fact is that any person can suffer from depression. The most successful, […]

9 Ways to Beat Obesity and Depression

9 Ways to Beat Obesity and Depression

Obesity and depression often go hand in hand, either one can often lead to the other in some cases which means that both illnesses are usually treated together. Whether you want to take the natural and medicated approach, there are a host of different ways that you can combat depression […]

How does fibromyalgia affect your body

How Does Fibromyalgia Affect your Body?

For those who have been given the diagnosis of having fibromyalgia, they are going to find that this can affect the body in various ways. In fact, many people find that it is easier to state the ways in which the illness is not affecting the body! There are several […]

Eріdеmіс diabetes

A Fast Growning Eріdеmіс Condition

Diabetics Dіаbеtеѕ ѕtаtеѕ teenage flatly іѕ fast bесоmіng a crisis. It’ѕ оbvіоuѕlу аn еріdеmіс, and іt could brіng in thе hеаlth ѕеrvісе tо its knееѕ. Sоmеthіng does nееd tо hарреn. Thе еffесtѕ for the NHS, оbvіоuѕlу, dоn’t thinking about. Dіаbеtеѕ already соѕtѕ thе ѕеrvісе аrоund £1m an hоur, аррrоxіmаtеlу 10% […]

Essential Oil Uses and Benefits
Healthy Living

Wonders And Remedies of Essential Oils

The history of medicinal plants goes back to centuries ago when the human beings experimented with the natural resources to harness their benefits. One thing which Mother Nature has bestowed us with is the essential oils which are extracted from different parts of plants for medicinal and health purposes. These […]

Healthy tips to improve your digestive system
Healthy Living

Healthy tips to improve your digestive system

The best possible way to sustain a healthy digestive system is to stay hydrated, eat healthy especially foods containing high fiber), and consuming foods rich in probiotics. In every busy world, it is becoming more difficult to monitor our diets, especially when we are busy, over-stressed, and over-worked, all these […]

6 Weird Facts About Stretch Marks
Stretch Marks

6 Weird Facts About Stretch Marks

For many couples, pregnancy is one of the most exciting and most looked forward to events in their life. Seeing that little positive sign on a pregnancy test brings about a variety of feelings of excitement, warmth, and concern for what’s about to happen. Over the years countless women have […]

Medi-Rub Foot Massager 2000 Plus
Foot Pain

Medi-Rub Foot Massager 2000 Plus review

For those who have occasional or chronic foot pain, a foot massager is one recommendation that they may often be given. However, when looking at the market, there are numerous foot massagers to purchase. They all have something about them that makes them appealing, and when this is the case, […]

Bananas for pregnant

16 Superfoods Every Pregnant Mom Needs for a Healthy Baby!

The pregnant mother needs to be nourished effectively during the pregnancy trimesters; she is not providing nourishment for herself only but also for the baby. To avoid severe birth defects, the pregnant mum must maintain a healthy lifestyle, including staying away from alcohol, cigarettes, and unhealthy diets that can cause […]

Get rid of bloating with Ginger
Healthy Living

Get rid of bloating with Ginger

Ginger is one of the most pungent rhizome plants that offer numerous benefits and some of these are associated with providing relieve against digestive abnormalities. Ginger is known to possess powers to decrease intestinal gas. How does Ginger helps digestion? Ginger can be added unto your daily meal recipes, and […]

sign and symptoms of Iodine deficiency
Healthy Living

Understanding and Curing Iodine deficiency

Iodine is basically the natural element which is responsible for the production of thyroid hormone inside our body. The human body lacks the ability to make this essential nutrient, iodine, by itself and thus, the need of our body has to be taken care of through diet. Foods with Iodine […]

10 health benefits of almonds
Healthy Living

Are Almonds good for you? Read the facts

There are incredible researches that backup many health claims made on Almonds. Almonds are popular nutritious tree nuts, and despite the fact that they contain high amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, they provide the body with some of the most essential nutrients you can ever asked for in a natural […]

10 health benefits of almonds
Healthy Living

Are Almonds good for you? Read the facts

There are incredible researches that backup many health claims made on Almonds. Almonds are popular nutritious tree nuts, and despite the fact that they contain high amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids, they provide the body with some of the most essential nutrients you can ever asked for in a natural […]

Back Pains During Pregnancy

Ways to Avoid Back Pains During Pregnancy

The weight of your growing baby can trigger back pain occasionally, and it is an issue you have to deal with especially in the third and final trimesters of your pregnancy. Aside from the weight of the growing baby, the pressure exerted by the uterus on your nerves and blood […]

Fibromyalgia and Mood disorders

Dealing With Fibromyalgia and Mood Disorders

Mood swings are quite common among individuals fibromyalgia and the main reason being that the condition causes pains in the muscles and soft tissues. Mood swings can also be aggravated with disruption to sleep, caused by the effect of fibromyalgia. Since the condition remains persistently chronic, the pain will trigger […]

Effective Remedies For Spider Veins
Healthy Living

Effective Remedies For Spider Veins

Have your ever noticed web-like network of tiny veins on your legs or ankles? If yes then don’t panic at all since you are not the only one going through this experience. These veins are commonly called Spider veins which are harmless and might even vanish on their own. However […]

how to stop eating sugar completely
Healthy Living

Why should you subtract sugar from your life?

Everyone wants sweetness in their life. Sugar is the basic element that adds sweetness in everyone’s life and food. Not only sugar is important for fulfilling our temptation, yet, it is also necessary for carrying out the normal functions of the body efficiently and smoothly. But, it doesn’t mean that […]

Neurofeedback for fibromyalgia

How Effective is Neurofeedback for Fibromyalgia?

Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback that can help people with fibromyalgia reduce some of their symptoms by altering their brainwave patterns. Symptoms such as depression, chronic pain, and others can be reduced or sometimes eliminated to help patients live better and be more comfortable as they go about their […]

How to remove kidney stones naturally
Healthy Living

How to Remove Kidney Stones Naturally

The human body is a machine which continuously works out in order to sustain its health. The internal mechanisms are designed in such a way by nature that unnecessary things get eliminated from the body. The mechanism of elimination consists of two ways: though urination and through anal excretion. The […]

home remedies for sleeplessness
Healthy Living

7 Foods that help you sleep

Everything in this universe makes use of a system in order to function. Energy is being interchanged through the circle of life all around us. Even machines have a system they use to be efficient. In the same manner the human body itself contains several systems working specifically for certain […]

green tea for Inflammation
Healthy Living

7 Of Natures Best Herbs for Treating Inflammation

Herbs contain a high concentration of vitamin, minerals and antioxidants to help improve the nutrient content in different dishes. Just by adding the best herbs for curing inflammation, you instantly upgrade the flavor and benefits of the food without adding more calories. In truth, a single gram of fresh herbs […]

10 Miraculous Natural Antibiotics
Healthy Living

10 Miraculous Natural Antibiotics

Antibiotics are considered the magic potion for treating various bacterial infections and are the most commonly prescribed drugs. However, the overuse of these drugs can lead to different problems like antibiotic resistance and even certain negative side effects like bad digestive system or lower immunity. They can even kill our […]

Fibromyalgia and Edema

Overview of Fibromyalgia and Edema

Fibromyalgia syndrome is a health condition in which researchers believe the brain magnifies the sensation of pain that is really suffered. This pain is known to be musculoskeletal and devoid of any type of trigger. The pain is likewise usually associated with other conditions like fatigue, anxiety, headaches, depression, etc. […]

Fibromyalgia Medication Lists

Fibromyalgia Medication Lists NUTMEGS

All around educated about the earnestness and danger of the disease, Fibromyalgia is a rheumatic condition described by strong or musculoskeletal torment with solidness and confined delicacy at particular focuses on the body. It is a mind-boggling disorder that does not present the same arrangement of indications, nor react to […]

Coping with Fibromyalgia

Coping with Fibromyalgia and Jaw and Facial Tenderness

Generally understanding fibromyalgia syndrome, depending on how long one has suffered from the condition symptoms can be localized, partially generalized, or fully generalized throughout the entire body to the point of being pervasive. Therefore, it is not unusual for sufferers to experience pain in multiple areas of the body. Often, […]

Lyrica for fibromyalgia

The use of Lyrica to manage fibromyalgia

Lyrica is the first medicine approved by the FDA to treat fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a condition wherein a person suffering from it experiences chronic widespread muscle pain all over. There are many types of medicines used to treat fibromyalgia, Lyrica being one of them. What is Lyrica? Lyrica is a […]

Rehab therapy for fibromyalgia

How Does the Rehab Approach See Fibromyalgia?

Rehabilitation has become a big deal in today’s society, whether it’s in the realm of addiction or if you’re recovering from some sort of injury. Either way, the rehab approach has been applied to a variety of different situations and disorders, and a lot of famous people with chronic diseases […]

Fertility Problems with Fibromyalgia

Is Infertility Common in Fibromyalgia Patients?

The condition of fibromyalgia- or fibro- is one that is characterized by the following signs and symptoms: Widespread pain Fatigue Insomnia Anxiety/depression Tender points/trigger points Headaches Stiffness upon waking Heavy periods Severe menstrual cramping Difficulty concentrating This condition is one that affects millions of people across the world and is […]

TMJ Symptom of Fibro

TMJ as a Symptom of Fibro

Temporomandibular joint disorder, also known as TMJ, results in jaw pain and is much more common in those individuals with the conditions of fibromyalgia- or fibro- and/or chronic fatigue syndrome- or CFS- than it is in any other portion of the population. It is believed that over 10 million people […]

Fibromyalgia and Chemical Sensitivity

Fibromyalgia and Chemical Sensitivity

Is it possible for chemicals to cause fibromyalgia or does the syndrome cause chemical sensitivity? The issue is one of those “chicken or the egg topics”. Regardless, many different types of stimuli can set off a horrible cascade of inflammation and pain for sufferers of fibromyalgia and chemical sensitivity. We […]

What Causes Burning of Your Spine

What Causes Burning of Your Spine?

The condition of neuralgia is a spinal pain that is caused by compression or injury to the spine and is often described as a burning pain. This type of pain can have electric, tingling, or warm sensation and often may feel as if it is traveling from one area of […]

Eye Issues and Fibromyalgia

Eye Issues and Fibromyalgia

The condition of fibromyalgia- or fibro- has many different symptoms, which could possibly include weakened eye muscles and double vision. When you open your eyes and you see a single, clear image you may take it for granted. However, the truth is this process, which seems to be automatic is […]

Fibromyalgia and Rashes

Fibromyalgia and Rashes

Fibromyalgia is generally associated with pain and many other symptoms. The pain is chronic and overwhelming. When skin rashes arise with concomitant fibromyalgia syndrome, the typical question is whether or not an autoimmune disorder is also present as well. As fibromyalgia is most common in females and autoimmune disorders are […]

Fibromyalgia and Mood Swings

Fibromyalgia and Mood Swings

Since fibromyalgia is persistently chronic, pain and debilitation can have detrimental effects on emotional health. This does not necessarily mean it drives one crazy, but it can cause moodiness from time to time. Constant pain has a way of causing persistent stress. The first thing we must do is forgive […]

Fibromyalgia and Night Sweats

Fibromyalgia and Night Sweats

Fibromyalgia is such a complex condition and befuddles even the complex experts when it comes to cascading myriad symptoms. As night sweats, familiar to so many fibromyalgia sufferers come into play, the suffering is dynamic. The trauma is far more than simply waking up soaked in sweat. It is a […]

Fibromyalgia and Night Sweats

Fibromyalgia and Night Sweats

Fibromyalgia is such a complex condition and befuddles even the complex experts when it comes to cascading myriad symptoms. As night sweats, familiar to so many fibromyalgia sufferers come into play, the suffering is dynamic. The trauma is far more than simply waking up soaked in sweat. It is a […]

Fibromyalgia and Knee Pain

Fibromyalgia and Knee Pain

Fibromyalgia is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes widespread pain in muscles and joints throughout the body. It is also well known for causing constant, extreme fatigue. Sufferers may experience headaches and sensitivity to bright lights, loud sounds or strong scents. A large majority of those who are diagnosed with […]

Fibromyalgia and Back Pain

Fibromyalgia and Back Pain

Fibromyalgia is one of the most common kinds of pain disorders today. Officially confirmed as a medical condition in 1981, medical professionals have learned more about the disease, its symptoms, and its possible causes as years have progressed. Because fibromyalgia is an “invisible disease” that doesn’t cause obvious outward symptoms, […]

Fibromyalgia and arm pain

My Arm Hurts- Is it Related to My Fibromyalgia?

Arm pain can be the result of a variety of different factors, including injury to the nerves, joints, soft tissues, bones, skin, and blood vessels. There are some chronic conditions, including a condition known as fibromyalgia that includes arm pain as a symptom. Depending upon the cause and the location […]

Fibromyalgia and Loss of Libido

Fibromyalgia and Loss of Libido

Fibromyalgia is commonly understood to be a painful condition; it causes widespread pain throughout the body, in the joints and muscles, as well as in the head and abdomen. Although it is often compared to conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia doesn’t destroy joints as arthritis does. Typical symptoms of […]

Fibromyalgia and Polymenorrhea

Fibromyalgia and Polymenorrhea

The condition of fibromyalgia- or fibro- results in an increases sensitivity to touch, extreme tiredness, difficulty sleeping, muscle stiffness and so much more. This condition is one that typically occurs much more commonly in women than in men. The cause of the condition of fibro is not exactly clear. However, […]

Fibromyalgia and Flushing

What’s With Fibromyalgia and Flushing?

In recent years, more and more people are learning about fibromyalgia and its various symptoms. Years ago, people with this disease were told that it was all in their heads; today, fibromyalgia is a named disorder with a specific diagnostic protocol. As a result of this, when someone says they […]

fibromyalgia feel exhausted

Fibromyalgia – an Exhausting Condition

Feeling sleepy is not uncommon after a hard day’s work or even after a too-long sleep. Tiredness is the body’s way of signaling that rest is required, and it is something that everybody will experience on a near-daily basis. For some, however, lethargy and tiredness simply never leave them alone. […]

grape juice for migraine
Healthy Living

Importance of grape juice in the cure of migraine

What is a Migraine? A migraine is one of the most common disorders prevalent today, affecting approximately a billion people. A Migraine is classified as a headache disorder which features recurrent headaches as the disorder’s hallmark. Characteristically the headaches are present on one side of the head and are throbbing in […]

stick to exercising
Healthy Living

Break The Chains Of Laziness

The Embarrassing Question How many times have we pledged to ourselves that this time around I am going to stick to exercising? How many times have we started with great enthusiasm only to fall back in place at square one? If you are reflecting on the answer to any of […]

7 wауѕ fоr hеаlthу lifestyle chаngеѕ
Healthy Living

7 Ways to Prepare For Your Healthy Lifestyle Changes

The day-to-day сhоісеѕ you mаkе іnfluеnсе whеthеr уоu mаіntаіn vitality аѕ уоu аgе оr dеvеlор lіfе-ѕhоrtеnіng іllnеѕѕеѕ аnd disabling conditions like hеаrt disease, dіаbеtеѕ, hіgh blооd рrеѕѕurе, аnd ѕtrоkе. Yоu mау understand еxасtlу whаt уоu nееd tо dо tо enjoy a hеаlthіеr, happier lіfе: саrvе оut tіmе tо еxеrсіѕе, реrhарѕ, […]

Signs of Vitamin K Deficiency
Healthy Living

Signs of Vitamin K Deficiency

The Role of Vitamin K Vitamin K is fat-soluble group of vitamins that are essential in the synthesis of proteins in the human body. The proteins that this class of vitamins help build are necessary for blood coagulation and calcium retention in bones and tissues. Vitamin K plays a central […]

pregnancy sleep position

Sleeping and Chiropractic Care While Pregnant

When you become pregnant, you may start to notice that you’re experiencing many more sleep disturbances, such as heartburn, snoring, leg cramps, and nausea. Plus, if you already had bad sleep habits before you became pregnant, you will likely notice that pregnancy just compounds them. Here are a few tips […]

clean eating tips for healthy pregnancy

Eating Healthy During Pregnancy

Even if you typically make healthy choices regarding what you eat- you’re still most likely going to need to make a few changes when you become pregnant. You’re going to need additional nutrients in order for your body to keep up with the demands of a growing baby- and there […]

Fibromyalgia and TMJ

Fibromyalgia and TMJ; Looking Toward Solutions

Since fibromyalgia is a general disorder of specific syndromes of pain throughout the body marked by particular pressure points, there can be referrals of pain to other areas and related stresses. TMJ or temporomandibular joint pain disorder is also a syndrome of complex problems relating to the jaw and commonly […]

michael j fox

Not Just Women: Men, Fibromyalgia and Impotence

Fibromyalgia affects women approximately three times more than men. Because of this, fibromyalgia is often an unexpected diagnosis when men are suffering from various symptoms of the condition (such as widespread pain, insomnia, chronic fatigue and the inability to focus and concentrate). The disease can be especially challenging for men, […]

Fibromyalgia and weakness

Feeling Weak? It Could Be Fibromyalgia-Related

Fatigue and weakness are terms that are typically used interchangeably- as if they have the same meaning. However, they actually describe two completely different sensations. It is critical that you know exactly what you are referring to when you describe feeling weak or feeling fatigued. When you’re clear on what […]

Fibromyalgia and confusion

Are You Feeling Confused? It Could be “Fibro Fog”

When you have the condition of fibromyalgia, you are all too familiar with the symptom of being confused, forgetful, difficulty with concentration, mixing up words, and short-term memory loss. Most of the ten million people living with the condition of fibromyalgia in the USA complain of these cognitive difficulties. These […]

Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options for Fibromyalgia

Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Options for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a very common musculoskeletal condition, second to osteoarthritis. However, it is still often misunderstood and even misdiagnosed. Since the symptoms often come and go and are not always visible, it has been called the “invisible illness.” This is because of the “invisible symptoms” of the condition. Some of […]

Get Rid of those Stretch Marks
Stretch Marks

Get Rid of those Stretch Marks!

With the joy of pregnancy comes the joy of body changes. For those mothers experiencing hormonal and skin changes, stretch marks may make their first appearance. Stretch marks can be an unsightly surprise to even the most fit and prepared mother to be. These markings can range from light to […]

what causes joint pain
Diseases & Conditions

Why Joints Hurt

Having some discomfort here or there after being active for a long time might seem like such a minor inconvenience, but it turns out that this could be the sign of a bigger health problem that has a number of names and faces. There are a number of different ways […]

Sugar Scrub for cellukite

17 Home Remedies For Cellulite

You’ll have some form of cellulite at some point in your life. It may be from having been pregnant, it may be from having gained and lost a few pounds, regardless of how you got it, now you want to rid yourself of it. Can you really do anything at […]

7 Things you Need to Know About Cellulite

7 Things you Need to Know About Cellulite

Cellulite – everyone knows what it is and we all hate it. With good reason – it looks awful, it’s hard to shift and it can make you feel really self-conscious when wearing bathing suits or shorts. It can be hard to relax, even when sitting at the beach or […]

irritable bowel syndrome definition
Diseases & Conditions

The Truth About Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome, also called IBS, is a very common disorder affecting the large intestine. Common symptoms of IBS include: Cramping Bloating Diarrhea Abdominal pain Constipation Gas This is a chronic condition that there is no cure for- you will need to manage your symptoms over the long term. Even […]

Is Pungent Urine a Symptom of FibromyalgiaIs Pungent Urine a Symptom of Fibromyalgia

Is Pungent Urine a Symptom of Fibromyalgia?

It’s hard to know what the true symptoms of fibromyalgia are, because the symptoms are so various, so small and so big, and can be easily confused with the symptoms of another disease. For a person who suffers from fibromyalgia whether they know it or not, even the littlest physical […]

How to Deal With Morning Sickness during pregnancy

9 Tips for Fighting Off Morning Sickness

One of the biggest problems that many moms deal with when they are pregnant is that they can’t take care of their morning sickness in an effective manner. They come across all sorts of different issues that make morning sickness that much worse – food, activity, and even just going […]

what causes knee pain
Diseases & Conditions

Know what causes your knee pain

you have chronic knee pain, then you know just how much this pain can affect everyday functioning, from getting up in the morning to playing with the kids, and even just walking to get the mail. For the millions of people who suffer from knee pain, it can be overwhelming […]

what does menopause mean to a woman
Diseases & Conditions

Making Meaning out of Menopause

Menopause can be a dirty word to some women, but it is something women have been dealing with since the beginning of time, and it doesn’t have to be a scary or painful experience. While there are many negative stereotypes surrounding it, what does menopause mean for a woman? Menopause […]

medical marijuana for fibromyalgia

Marijuana For Fibromyalgia Pain

Marijuana for fibromyalgia pain is something you see discussed a lot on the forums and boards for patients. There are many studies that have been conducted and evidenced gathered, but it never seems to outweigh the public opinion that using marijuana for fibromyalgia pain is a good idea. There is […]

Antidepressant Treatment for Fibromyalgia

Antidepressant Treatment for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a very difficult disease to deal with. There are so many different symptoms that you can end up having over time, and they may change in terms of severity. Sometimes, new symptoms can come up and make your disorder worse, as well. Mental health problems are common amongst […]

Depression and Fibromyalgia

Prominence of Depression with Fibromyalgia

Over 60% of all persons diagnosed with fibromyalgia already suffer from depression. An equally high amount of people with fibromyalgia then go on to develop depression. Science has been trying to isolate the prominence of depression with fibromyalgia as their connection may reveal much that will help in treating both […]


Why Use Mirapex for Fibromyalgia?

Sometimes, getting started on the road to recovery when it comes to fibromyalgia can be really difficult. We may have to try a number of different items in order to determine the best one(s) for our particular needs, and our doctor will give us recommendations and such. One medication that […]